Page 35 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 35


                 STUdIO yOGA MAT 4.5MM                               STUdIO yOGA MAT
                                                                     4.5MM PASTELS
          The Studio mat is the King of mats and was the first yoga mat to be
          tested against harmful substances for skin contact. The Studio mat is   our Pastels collection! Made to the same standards
          a high density mat which offers excellent grip and cushioning, whilst   as our 4.5mm Studio Yoga Mat but in two pastel shades; Powder
          setting the standard for durability, making it ideal for intensive Studio   Blue and Pastel Pink.
          use. All Studio mats are phthalate free. The Studio mat in black is now
          also fire retardant - another first - making it perfect for use in the health
          service and other institutions.
          SIZE:  183CM LONG (6’) X 60CM X 4.5MM. wEIGHT: 1.6KGS.

                                                               cOLOur           thIcKNESS       cODE
                                                               PoWdER BLUE      4.5MM           ASTUdIoP5-BLUE
                                                               PASTEL PINK      4.5MM           ASTUdIoP5-PINK

               RETARdANT                                             EXTRA wIdE STUdIO yOGA MAT

                                                              The same material as the 60cm Standard Studio mat but 25% wider
                                                              at 80cm. This is the widest mat on the market and is ideal for those
                                                              that practice on draughty floors as the mat insulates you in Savasana
           cOLOur           thIcKNESS         cODE            as your whole body can fit on the mat.
                                                              SIZE:  183CM LONG (6’) X 80CM X 4.5MM. wEIGHT: 2KGS.
           BLUE             4.5MM             ASTUdIo5-BLU
           PURPLE           4.5MM             ASTUdIo5-PUR
           oRANGE           4.5MM             ASTUdIo5-oRA
           REd              4.5MM             ASTUdIo5-REd
           GREY             4.5MM             ASTUdIo5-GRY
           BLACK            4.5MM             ASTUdIo5-BLK
                                                               cOLOur          thIcKNESS        cODE
                   TRAvEL STUdIO MAT                           BLUE            4.5MM            ASTUdIo580-BLU
                   1.8MM (FOLdABLE)                            PURPLE          4.5MM            ASTUdIo580-PUR

            The European made Travel mat is the answer for those seeking
            a truly portable mat. At only 0.75 Kg for a full length mat it is   LIGHT STUdIO yOGA MAT
            foldable and easy to transport as well as being durable and   3MM
            offering good grip. Also ideal for use under a yoga rug or to put
            on top of a club mat for hygiene.                 Some people prefer thinner mats as they provide firmer
            SIZE: 183CM LONG (6’) X 60CM X 1.8MM.             grounding in standing postures, though the lightweight Studio
            wEIGHT: 0.75KGS.                                  mat also appeals to those who prefer a lighter mat for portability
                                                              or those seeking a quality European made mat at a keener price.
                                                              SIZE:  183CM LONG (6’) X 60CM X 3MM. wEIGHT: 1.2KGS.


                                                               cOLOur           thIcKNESS       cODE
           cOLOur        thIcKNESS          cODE               BLUE             3MM             ASTUdIo3-BLU
           BLUE          1.8MM              ASTUdIo2           PURPLE           3MM             ASTUdIo3-PUR
                                                               REd              3MM             ASTUdIo3-REd
                                                                                       = PACKAGEd FOR RETAIL SALE
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