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P. 33

AdJUSTABLE                                          ANTI-BURST 150KG
                 MASSAGE STICK                                       SwISS BALL

          The rolling Vari-Massage Stick from ExaFit is the ultimate   This Swiss ball is anti-burst rated as being suitable for use
          massage stick, giving you the ability to choose from two different   with loads of up to 150kg in normal use. The ball has been
          arrangements for maximum deep tissue massage. Ideal for targeting   independently tested by SGS Laboratories
          your trigger points and myofascial release on specific parts of the   as Burst-Resistant whilst under a static
          body including:quads, thighs, hamstrings, ITB, calves and achilles,   load of 200kg. This ball is 65cm in
          also equally good on the upper body for massaging the shoulders,   diameter so recommended for
          neck and arms.  Perfect for use before or after exercise to increase   user height between 168cm -
          circulation, soothe tight muscles and ease aches and pains. It can   178cm (5’7” - 5’10”). Perfect for
          help to speed up recovery time and rehabilitation after a tough   all home workouts and can be
          workout or injury as well as being lightweight and portable, so it will   used in place of a chair to
          easily fit in your kitbag.   The order of the cogs can be changed to   help develop core strength.
          create different massaging effects, simply pull one of the handles
          off and use the numbers on the cogs to re-order. Ergonomically
          designed handles allow you to vary from light to deep tissue     FREE
          massage. 12 high density  TPR cogs provides fast and effective self   HI-SPEEd
          myofascial release. Flexible core allows the cogs to contour to your
                                              vARIABLE         rESIStANcE         cOLOur          cODE
                                                               65CMØ              dARK GREy       XBALL150
           DIMENSIONS          cOLOur          cODE                  STICK

           45CM X 7CM          OrANGE/bLAcK    XSTICKPRo
                                                              This ExaFit Rolling Massage Stick is the ultimate portable
                 30CM FOAM                                    self-massage tool. Small enough to fit in your sports bag,
                                                              the massage stick’s five independent rollers target your
                 ROLLER                                       trigger points & penetrate specific muscles. Ideal for use
                                                              before or after exercise to increase circulation and to
          This Foam Roller can be used for muscle massage and myofascial   soothe tight muscles, and ease aches and pains. Great for
          release. Perfect to use as a warm up or cool down before/after   massaging all parts of the body including: quads, thighs,
          weight training, or any high impact workout         hamstrings, ITB, calves & Achilles, shoulders, neck & arms.
          whilst also being equally suitable for              Metal tube inside with ABS rollers, PP handles, TPE rubber
          rehab, improving core stability                     grips and PVC end caps.
          and balance. Ultra                                   DIMENSIONS    cOLOur           cODE
          lightweight and a shorter
          length (30cm) meaning                                36CMØ         LIGht bLuE & GrEY  XSTICK
          you can truly take this roller
          with you anywhere.                                         RESISTANCE
           DIMENSIONS          cOLOur         cODE
                                                              Using a resistance band for your Pilates workout or exercise
           30CM X 15CMØ        bLuE           XRoLLERPE30     programme is a great way to add a challenging level of resistance,
                                                              helping you to tone and condition muscles. Resistance bands can
                                                              also be used as an aid to flexibility, e.g. hooking around the feet
                 Z FOAM                                       or hands for stretches. The light strength is ideal for those new
                 ROLLER                                       to resistance and strength training, or as use as part of a therapy
                                                              or rehabilitation programme.  The medium strength is ideal for
                                                              those who are used to resistance and strength training. The strong
          The z Foam Roller design provides effective myofascial release and   strength is ideal for those who are used to resistance and weight
          muscle massage. The durable PVC tube prevents deformation when   training.
          rolling making this a truly robust roller. Use before or after exercise,
          providing portable performance on the go.

                                                              wARNING - MAdE OF LATEX. dO NOT USE IF ALLERGIC TO

           DIMENSIONS          cOLOur         cODE             rESIStANcE         cOLOur          cODE
           33CM X 15CMØ        DArK GrEY      XRoLLER-GRY      LIGHT              LIGHT BLUE      XBANdL
           33CM X 15CMØ        OrANGE         XRoLLER-oRA      MEdIUM             ORANGE          XBANdM
                                                               STRoNG             dARK GREy       XBANdS
                                                                                       = PACKAGEd FOR RETAIL SALE
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