Page 176 - MustangEbook
P. 176
replace losses and permit the unit to “grow Sergeant, Latin serviens, “to serve.”
again” to its original size and effectiveness. Originally used in law, a serviens during the
days of chivalry was also a military servant.
Regiment In Latin, regimen, “rule” (in the
sense of “regulation”). The term was Sharpshooter Probably from German
applied to a military organization that was Scharffschutze, which has the same
under the rule of a colonel. meaning. The term does not come from the
Sharp’s Rifle, patented in 1852.
Retreat In Latin, retrahere, “to withdraw.” Sharpshooter” units are listed as early as
Tactically, this word means to withdraw 1805' in the British Army. Two regiments
from enemy contact. But the ceremony of of United State’s Sharpshooters were raised
Retreat and the bugle call “Retreat” signify during the Civil War. The term is now used
a retirement from the day’s administrative in the U. S. Army to designate a
activities, not the enemy’s tactical qualification in marksmanship which is
endeavours. To “beat retreat” in the old between Expert (the highest) and marksman
days did not mean to “bug out” or to
“how able”. Before the use of bugles to Sound Off. At a parade, the adjutant gives
sound calls, drums were used. the command “Sound Off”, and the band
plays three chords before it starts a march
Reveille French reveillez -vous, “Wake and “troops the line”. When the band has
up!” returned to its place and has finished
playing the march, it repeats these three
Rosette French. This ornament on a peak chords. They are known as the “Three
cap was held down by a loop and a button. Cheers”. This custom can be traced back to
the time of the Crusades Soldiers. Those
Security The imperative need for fooling selected to go on the Crusades would form
the enemy’s intelligance and spy system, on the right of the line of troops.
proved by bitter experience in previous
wars, affected the lives of everyone, Signals In the early years, smoke signals
including civilians. A soldier had to always and drum beats were used as signals for the
guard his tongue whenever he was away army. Flags were also used later on. When
from his unit. His letters were censored and the telegraph was invented, it allowed
he must never mention the place he was in precise instructions to be transmitted over
or give any interesting details longer distances using a Morse Code key.
of his works. The heliograph (a mirror mounted on a
tripod flashing the sun’s reflection) was
Sentry Probably from the same source as also used.
“sentinel,” rather than from the French When the telephone was invented by
sentier (path around which a guard would Alexander Graham Bell, communication by
walk). Fortescue suggests that the word was voice could be achieved across long
corrupted from “centinel.” The latter word distances through wires.
is from “century,” the term applied to the
man Roman companies. Until the beginning Warrant Officer The “warrant” portion of
of the eighteenth century the private soldier the Warrant Officer’s title comes from the
in England was known as a “private old French word warrant that meant
centinel.” protector, a defense and an authorization.