Page 35 - MustangEbook
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coming.  From  the  Swedish  Navy,  the  RSN   helicopters.  With  a  command-  and-  control
               also received operational knowledge, and our   suite,  the  Endurance-class,  is  also  able  to
               pioneer submarines were trained in the deep,   coordinate ship to shore operations.
               cold  waters  of  the  Baltic  Sea  and  Swedish
               fiords.                                        With  such  capabilities,  the  LSTs  have  been
                                                              deployed to undertake various peace support
                                                              operations,  as  well  as  humanitarian  and
                                                              disaster relief operations. In 2004, the LSTs
                                                              were sailed to the Northern Arabian Gulf for
                                                              three separate deployments to assist in Iraq’s
                                                              post-war  reconstruction  efforts.  The  RSN
                                                              took  on  roles  such  as  taking  charge  of
                                                              coalition  warships  as  the  Surfaces  Action
                         Challenger – class submarine
                                                              Commander, providing logistics support and
               1996                                           medical assistance, acting as an afloat forward
                                                              staging  base,  as  well  as humanitarian  and
               The  first  Fearless-  class  patrol  vessel  (PV),   disaster relief operations. In 2004, the LSTs
               RSS  Fearless,  was  commissioned  in  1996.   were sailed to the Northern Arabian Gulf for
               Built and designed locally, the PVs took on    three separate deployments to assist in Iraq’s
               the coastal defence role that was previously   post-war  reconstruction  efforts.  The  RSN
               undertaken by the CPCs. Every day, our PV is   took  on  roles  such  as  taking  charge  of
               out on patrol in the Singapore Strait and the   coalition  warships  as  the  Surface  Action
               waters surrounding Pedra Branca.               Commander, providing logistics support and
                                                              medical assistance, acting as an afloat forward
                                                              staging  base,  as  well  as  helping  to  train
                                                              members of the Iraqi Navy.

                                                              These deployments also saw the utilisation of
                                                              unmanned  systems,  namely  the  Protector
                                                              unmanned  surface  vessel  (USV),  an
                                                              unmanned  vessel  based  on  the  rigid-hulled
                          Fearless-class patrol vessel
                                                              inflatable  boat.  They  were  used  in  the
               2000                                           Northern Arabian Gulf for maritime security
                                                              operations.  Such  systems  enable  a  range  of
               This  year,  we  commissioned  our  first      operations  to  be  conducted  without  putting
               Endurance-class LST, RSS Endurance. Built      servicemen and women in harm’s way.
               locally  to  replace  the  ageing  Country-class
               LSTs,  the  new  LSTs  were  designed  with  a   The  LSTs  were  also  deployed  for  the  2004
               higher  speed  and  greater  sealift  capacity,   Boxing  Day  tsunami  disaster  in  Aceh,
               making them better able to support the wider   Indonesia,  where  they  provided  essential
               SAF’s transportation needs. The warships can   medical  supplies,  support  equipment  and
               not only operate with small crafts such as the   vehicles. Furthermore, since 2009, the LSTs
               fast craft but also with air assets such as the   were  deployed  twice  to  the  Gulf  of  Aden,
               Super  Puma  and  heavy-lift  Chinook          where they took part in multinational counter-
                                                              piracy operations to ensure international trade
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