Page 34 - MustangEbook
P. 34


               The Swift-class coastal  patrol crafts (CPCs)
               were  added  to  the  RSN’s  arsenal  of
               capabilities.  The  first  vessels  designed  and
               built  locally;  the  CPCs  complemented  the
               PCs’  constabulary  duties  in  protecting
               Singapore‘s immediate waters. This helped to         Victory-class missile corvette (MCV)
               relieve the MGBs of daily patrol, allowing the
               MBGs to focus on naval warfare operations.     The 1990s
               In  1993,  the  CPCs  were  transferred  to  the
               Police Coast Guard, where they continued to    As  the  RSN  matured,  there  was  a  need  to
               perform coastal patrol missions until 2012.    ensure that capabilities remain cutting-edge.
                                                              Hence,  this  decade  saw  the  development  of
                                                              new mine hunting assets, as RSS Jupiter was
                                                              scrapped  in  1986  ad  RSS  Mercury
                                                              decommissioned in 1993. In 1991, we entered
                                                              into an agreement with Sweden for four new
                                                              Land sort-class mine countermeasure vessels
                                                              (MCMVs), which we re-classed as our own
                                                              Bedok–class  MCMVs.  To  the  present  day,
                                                              they play a vital role in helping to safeguard
                     Swift-class coastal patrol craft (CPC)
                                                              the passage of international shipping through
               1990                                           our  waters,  keeping  the  sea  lines  of
                                                              communication safe for all.
               With  Singapore’s  prosperity,  increasingly
               dependent on maritime trade, the RSN saw an
               expansion  of  her  mission  beyond  coastal
               duties  to  include  ensuring  the  safety  and
               openness of our sea lines of communication
               (SLOCs). The Navy was able to carry out this
               expansion in  duties  and operations with  the
               Victory-class  missile  corvettes  (MCVs),     Bedok-class mine countermeasure vessel (MCMV)
               which are equipped with a complete suite of
               three-dimensional strike warfare capabilities.   1995
               The    first   MCV    RSS     Victory   was
               commissioned this year. The MCVs were the      This year, the RSN acquired four Challenger-
               first class of ship in our Navy to have anti-  class  submarines  from  the  Swedish  Royal
               submarine capabilities.                        Navy  –  a  significant  step  forward  into  the
                                                              underwater dimension that marked the RSN’s
                                                              development into a balanced, capable Navy.
                                                              Submarines  can  undertake  subtle  stealth
                                                              operations that could strike at enemy forces
                                                              on the surface before they could even see it
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