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RSAF NINTH CORE VALUE - TEAM                   SNVF.  Parading  in  smartly  starched  white
               EXCELLENCE                                     uniforms,  they  were  to  witness  for  the  first
                                                              time  the  raising  of  the  new  white-and-red
                                                              naval  ensign  that  bore  the  nation’s  crescent
                                                              moon  and  five  stars  and  an  eight-pointed
                                                              mariner’s  star.  Ensign  is  fluttering  softly  in
                                                              the wind, that day was to go down in history
                                                              as  the  beginning  of  the  Singapore  Navy
                                                              (although  the  name,  Republic  of  Singapore
                                                              Navy, was only adopted on 1 April 1975).

                                                              Like  the  young  nation  of  Singapore,  the

                                                              Singapore  Navy  was  born  in  tumultuous
               Team Excellence was added as a ninth core      times. The separation from Malaysia had just
               value  in  the  RSAF  on  5  Jan  2011.  It  was   taken  place.  Many  did  not  give  Singapore
               announced  by  then  Minister  of  State  for   much  chance  of  surviving,  let  alone
               Defence  and  Information  and  the  Arts,  Mr   prospering.  However,  the  government  and
               David Lim. Team excellence is critical to the   people  remained  undaunted  and  resolute.
               3  Generation Air Force. The team must have    They  were  determined  for  Singapore  to
               a good mix of seniority and experience. The    succeed and to protect the independence that
               three  Officer  Corps  –  Officers,  Warrant   was  thrust  upon  them.  With  memories  of
               Officers  and  Military  Experts  across  the   World War II and Konfrontasi fresh in their
               RSAF  worked  closely  together  to  fulfil    minds,  securing  the  fledgling  nation’s
               various missions.                              sovereignty  was  never  more  pressing.
                                                              Security  was  of  utmost  priority.  There  was

                                                              hardly any defence force. All Singapore had
               RSN HUMBLE BEGINNING                           at independence were two army battalions and
                                                              two wooden ships. There was no Air Force.

                                                              Singapore had to build its defence force from
                                                              scratch. It was a Herculean task, made even
                                                              tougher  when  the  British  announced  in
                                                              January 1968 that by the end of 1971, they
                                                              would pull out of their military bases east of
                                                              the Suez. The hope that the British would stay
                                                              on  to  give  Singapore  time  to  build  up  a
                                                              credible  defence  force  was  shattered.  The

                                                              nation had to defend itself on land, in the air
                 5 May 1967: Ensign hoisting ceremony at RSS   and at sea. It had to build up its defence forces
                  Singapura, the headquarters of the Singapore
                        Naval Volunteer Force (SNVF).         fast.

               It was 5 May 1967. Contingents of men and      With  Singapore  surrounded  by  water,  the
               women from the Singapore Naval Volunteer       need  for  a  Navy  was  clear.  Aside  from
               Force  (SNVF)  stood  proudly  at  attention  at   securing  its  sovereignty,  the  Republic  also
               RSS  Singapura,  the  Headquarters  of  the    had to  combat threats  posed by sea  robbers
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