Page 28 - MustangEbook
P. 28

4.  Professionalism                         soldiers  to  withstand  fear  and  tension.
                                                              Disciplined soldiers can be depended on.
                  5.  Fighting Spirit
                                                              Professionalism in the SAF is proficiency,
                  6.  Ethics
                                                              competency and reliability in all we do. This

                  7.  Care for Soldiers                       would involve having a sound knowledge of
                                                              what we must do and doing it well. We know

                  8.  Safety                                  our roles and carry them out thoroughly. It is
                                                              a  continual  strive  for  excellence  which
               Loyalty to Country is  what commits us as      rejects  complacency.  In  the  SAF,  it  also
               citizens to protect and defend our nation. The   incorporates and emphasizes a sense of duty
               nation  represents  our  homeland;  all  that  is   and service, which compels everyone to train
               cherished by us, our family and our way of     hard and  give their best.  It  is  this  sense of
               life. We have a responsibility to protect the   professionalism  which  bonds  the  SAF
               nation. Loyalty is vital for the SAF because its   together in teamwork to excel in all we do, to
               mission is to defend the nation and if need be   serve with pride, honour and integrity.
               for us to sacrifice our lives for Singapore.
                                                              Fighting spirit is the tenacity to succeed in
               Leadership  is  being  able  to  influence  and   whatever we do. In the SAF particularly, it is
               motivate one’s followers, to imbue them with   marked by determination, aggressiveness and
               trust  and  confidence  in  us  so  that  they  will   perseverance,  the  spirit  of  a  fighting  fit
               carry out a mission confidently and to their   defence  force.  Fighting  spirit  makes  us
               best  ability.  Leaders  achieve  this  by     courageous,  bold  and  decisive,  with  the
               demonstrating  sound  knowledge,  as  well  as   necessary aggression to engage decisively in
               abilities such as being able to communicate    a battle and quickly put an end to it. Fighting
               with  their  followers.  Good  leaders  lead  by   spirit  is  also  the  dedication,  stamina  and
               example,  exude  a  personal  presence  and    endurance  which  enable  us  to  overcome
               display  active  involvement.  The  defence  of   obstacles  and  achieve  our  mission  with
               the  nation  can  only  be  assured  by        continued  will  and  motivation  despite  all
               commanders who are competent to lead, excel    odds.
               and  inspire  others  to  give  their  best  to  the

               Discipline  in  the  SAF  is  the  obedience  of
               orders and the timely and accurate execution
               of  assigned  tasks.  This  is  achieved  through
               tough  training  geared  towards  operational
               readiness  and  combat  effectiveness.  The
               essence of discipline is doing what we must,
               even when it is difficult and painful, and doing   Ethics  is  exemplary  conduct  and  moral
               it  the  best  we  can.  Discipline  means  inner   strength. It enables us to know what is right
               strength,  control,  mental  stamina,  physical   from  wrong  and  keep  to  it.  It  will  help  us
               toughness and perseverance. A high standard    handle ethical problems which arise out of a
               of  discipline  must  be  maintained  to  train
                                                              war and in peacetime. For example, we must
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