Page 26 - MustangEbook
P. 26

Confrontation) provided an essential base for   3.  To my last breath be devoted to the people,
               producing  our  corps  of  commanders  and        the  country  and  the  Government  of  the
               trainers.                                         Republic of Singapore.

               OATH OF ALLEGIANCE                             4.  Be  loyal  to  the  country  and  the
               (also known as the Affirmation of Allegiance)      Government of the Republic of Singapore

                                                              5.  Be ready at the order of the Government,
                                                                 to  rise  the  defence  of  the  Republic  of

                                                              6.  Be  honourable,  brave,  disciplined  and

                                                              7.  Obey  the  laws  of  the  Republic  of
                                                                 Singapore and comply with the orders of
                                                                 my commanders; and

               National Service is the duty that every male   8.  Strictly  safeguard  and  preserve  State
               citizen must undertake upon attaining the age     Secrets and Official Information and never
               of  18.  It  is  for  the  serviceman  to  swear   disclose them.
               allegiance  to  Singapore.  The  serviceman
               swears to his commitment to be loyal to the    CODE OF CONDUCT
               country,  to  be  ethical,  disciplined  and  to
               defend the country with his life.              On 18 July 1967, the Code of Conduct was

                                                              promulgated by the then Defence Minister of
               On the day of enlistment, he is required to take   Singapore, Dr Goh Keng Swee. The code has
               the  Oath  of  Allegiance  to  the  Republic  of   been  initially  researched  and  drafted  by  a
               Singapore.                                     Jesuit  Priest  named  Father  Terence  J.
               The Oath of Allegiance is as follow:
                                                              This  code  was  justified  for  two  reasons:
               I, having entered the service of the Republic   Professional  efficiency  and  the  relation
               of Singapore under the Enlistment Act, (Cap    between the Armed Forces and Society. The
               93),  do  solemnly  swear,  sincerely  and  truly   code is necessary to spell out in explicit terms
               declare and affirm that I will:                for  the  guidance  of  the  armed  forces  to
                                                              establish high standards of behaviour. It then
               1.  Bear  true  faith  and  allegiance  to  the   ensures  a  sense  of  dignity  and  purpose
                  Republic of Singapore.                      prevails throughout the Army.

               2.  Protect  and  defend  the  Republic  of    It  is  a  set  of  rules  which  govern  the  daily
                  Singapore  bravely  and  intelligently,  with   conduct and behaviour of a serviceman. It is a
                  virtue  and  honour,  not  sparing  my      constant  reminder  of  the  Core  Values  of
                  lifeblood into so,                          Loyalty to Country, Discipline, Professional
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