Page 29 - MustangEbook
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be honest and accurate in our report writing, To achieve these dual imperatives, we must
have integrity in our dealings with others, and ensure that our training is tough, realistic and,
not misuse our position against anyone. Ethics at the same time, safe.
will also ensure we do not act against our
country and are loyal to its law and Safety is an individual, team and command
constitution. Such trustworthiness and responsibility. It involves everyone, every
uprightness of character must be unshakable time, all the time. Being mindful of safety and
for the SAF. adhering to safety regulations should be
second nature to all in his or her area of work.
Care for soldiers is the genuine concern that We must be pro-active in proposing
we have for the wellbeing of those in our improvements to our safety practices and
command. It is training soldiers so well that forthcoming in reporting safety incidents,
they can protect themselves and survive in near misses or unsafe acts.
battle. This is the philosophy of more sweat in
peacetime and less blood in war. At the same
time, it is also ensuring the provision of
service support so that soldiers are properly
equipped, trained and fit to fit a battle. Care is
essential for cohesion, team spirit and
ultimately combat effectiveness.
Commanders who care for the training,
morale and discipline of their troops can be
sure they have a fighting fit force at their As members of a team, all members must
hands. They can also be sure of their loyalty. always look out for one another and take care
Care for soldiers should also extend to the of each other through the buddy system. As
families of the soldiers. leaders, we play an essential role in
undertaking the right safety standards,
Safety has been added as the eighth core value expectations and culture for our men and
in the SAF on 15 Apr 2013. It was introduced women. This is achieved not just through
by Brigadier-General Mark Tan Ming Yiak, words and personal examples, but also
the SAF’s Ex-Chief of Staff- Joint Staff. The through the systems and processes that we put
main aim is to emphasise on safety and further in place.
strengthen the safety culture in the SAF,
especially in peacetime.
Safety is an integral part of training,
Operations and mission success. We cannot
consider ourselves successful if we achieve
one without the other. Our country demands
that we maintain a high level of operational
readiness through tough and realistic training.
At the same time, our countrymen required us
to do our utmost to keep their sons and loved
ones safe, both during training and operations.