Page 65 - MustangEbook
P. 65
As warfare progressed Colours became
unnecessary as a means of identification
and was no more carried into the battlefield.
Colours have become the symbol of the
spirit of a regiment, for they bear the battle
honours and badges granted to the regiment
in commemoration of the gallant deeds
The Colours were carried into battle in the performed by its members from the time it
centre front rank where they could easily was raised. This association of Colours with
be seen and recognised and to act as a guide heroic deeds has caused them to be regarded
and rallying point. Originally, when with veneration. The fact that Colours are
Colours were carried in companies, they consecrated before being taken into use, it
were borne by the youngest officer of the helps to maintain the atmosphere of
company, who was known as the “Ensign”. veneration, with which they are surrounded.
As the importance of a victory was
generally gauged by the number of guns And although Colours are not carried into
and stands of Colours that were captured, battle in the way they used to be, they still
the Colours party became obvious targets retain all the tradition, glory, honour, pride
and the scene of the bitterest hand-to-hand and veneration of the past. They are still
fighting. paraded and trooped in today’s Armies.
With a view to give the ensigns some COLOURS IN THE SAF
local protection, the rank of “Colours
Sergeant” was introduced in 1813. The In the SAF, Colours are awarded to units in
Royal Warrant in respect of this stated, commemoration of their achievements in
“It is His Royal Highness’ pleasure that the field of combat, training, administrative
the duty of attending the Colours on the efficiency and service to the community.
field shall be performed by the The Colours also help to promote cohesion,
Sergeants” esprit de corps and instil in the men of the
unit a sense of pride and loyalty.
These Escorts to the Colours were formed
by five Colours Sergeants, armed with There are two types of Colours in the SAF
half pikes, and were chosen from the known as the State Colours and the
senior and bravest sergeants, as they had Regimental Colours.
to stand in the most exposed places in the
field of battle. The Colours Party was in Our short history of Colours in the SAF
the past expected to fight till death to dates to 1954. Then, there were only two
defend the Colours. For the same Colours, the Queen’s Colours and the
symbolic reason, today, the Colours Singapore Volunteer Corps Colours. The
(carried by a junior Officer with an escort then Governor of Singapore, Sir John
of two Sergeants and a Warrant Officer) Nicoll, presented both Colours to the
are paraded in the centre of the Squad Singapore Volunteer Corps on 8th July
when on the march. 1954 at the Padang, in celebration of the
centenary of the Volunteer Corps.then
Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll,