Page 64 - MustangEbook
P. 64

INTRODUCTION                                     Armed  Forces  and  the  Singapore  Armed
                                                                Forces is no exception. Colours are frequently
               At  about  the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth   paraded  during  auspicious  and  significant
               century  when  armies  were  adopting  the       occasions.
               regimental system, it was decided to assign
               colours  (using the  word  in its  conventional   Traditionally,  our  Colours  are  paraded  on
               sense) to each regiment. It was logical, then,   National Day, SAF Day and on Anniversary
               for the “Red Regiment,” for example, to carry    Day  parades,  with  proper  Escort  Party  and
               a red flag for identification in battle. Hence   Guard of Honour Contingents. But other than
               military  flags  became known  as  “Colours.”    to add to the  pomp and  pageantry  of these
               Another explanation of the term is that early    events, Colours have a history and tradition
               heraldic  flags  bore  the  Colours  of  a       dating as far back as the Middle Ages, and a
               commander  in  precisely  the  same  sense  as   significance which is maintained even till to-
               used in horse racing today.                      date.

               On the other side of the world, in about 1650,   Colours  originated  as  banners  of  lords  and
               the first of the Manchus was experimenting       barons at a time when it was a tradition for
               with a new concept of military organization.     fighting  men  to  rally  around  their  leader’s
               He divided his troops into four groups - the     banner.  The  reason  for  its  existence  arose
               Yellows, Reds, Whites and Blues. Each were       from  the  need  to  have  some  rank  of
               identified  by  a  coloured  banner.  Later  he   distinction between tribes and armies, and a
               doubled the number of units, having each new     conspicuous rallying point  in  battle.  In  war
               unit take one of the original four colours and   between  tribes,  for  example,  the  badge  of
               adding a border.                                 each tribal chief was hoisted onto a pole so
                                                                that it could be seen at a distance, and not just
               So,  the  Colours  originated  as  a  means  of   in close combat.
               battlefield  identification  and  continued  to
               perform this function for many years. Modern      Later, these became flags of distinctive
               armies now carry Colours only in ceremonies       Colours  in  a  battlefield  for  marking
                                                                 positions. And through constant usage,
                                                                 the  term  “Colours”  is  often  taken  to
                                                                 mean all classes of military flags which
                                                                 are  known  differently  as  standards,
                                                                 guidons and banners.

                                                                In the past when Colours were carried on
                                                                active  service,  they  stood  as  a  rallying
                                                                point of the regiment, and the scene of its
                                                                last  stand.  it  is  a  powerful  factor  in
                                                                maintaining morale. Many would die just
                                                                to  keep  the  Colours  flying  high.
                                                                Similarly,  to  capture the  Colours  of the
               The awarding of Colours to military units is     enemy was a sign of great courage.
               an  established  practice  of  many  National
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