Page 61 - MustangEbook
P. 61

5.  Officer of flag ranks                      1.  Carrying the President’s Flag
                   6.  Line  Commanders,  including  Fleet        2.  Carrying  other  distinguishing  flags
                      Commander,               Commander             or pennants
                      COSCOM,  Flotilla  Commander,               3.  A flag ship
                      Squadron  Commander  and  the               4.  Carrying a Commanding Officer of a
                      Commanding           Officer       of          higher seniority
                      commissioned ship.                          5.  A    foreign   warship     with    a
                   7.  Foreign naval officers in uniforms at         Commanding  Officer  of  a  higher
                      all hours.                                     seniority.
                   8.  When a corpse is being brought on
                      board or sent out of a ship.            If  the  seniority  of  a  foreign  warship’s
                                                              Commanding  Officer  is  not  known,  our
               In  addition,  the  side  should  normally  be   RSN’s ships are to pipe first.
               piped for an officer entitled to it even though
               he may be accompanying an officer senior       The  following  procedures  are  to  be  done
               to him who is not entitled to the call.        when carrying out the piping of the ‘Still’ as
                                                              a mark of respect.
               Prior to piping the ‘Side’, the ‘Still’may be
               piped to alert all hands-on deck to stand to       1.  The junior ship pipes the ‘Still’ first
               attention until the ‘Carry On’ pipe is piped.         and  followed  by  a  salute  by  a
               However,  the  side  is  neither  piped  for          Commissioned officer (2LT or ME4
               Commanding  Officers  of  Naval  Shore                and above)
               Establishments,  nor  is  the  side  piped  at     2.  Next the senior ship pipes the ‘Still’
               Naval Establishments.                                 in return and followed by a salute by
                                                                     a Commissioned officer.
               STILL                                              3.  Then the senior ship pipes the ‘Carry
                                                                     on’ first and the officer hauls down
                                                                     the salute.
                                                                  4.  Then,  the  junior  ship  pipes  the
                                                                     ‘Carry on’ first and the officer hauls
                                                                     down the salute.

               The still or alert is used to call the crew to
               attention and is piped as a mark of respect
               paid  to  a  certain  occasion  or  rank.  With
               certain exceptions, the still is only accorded
               to persons specifically entitled to it.

               The still is piped at the hoisting and hauling
               down  of  colours  during  the  Colours  and
               Sunset  ceremony.  In  addition,  the  still  is
               piped between sunrise and sunset if the ship
               is  passing  by  or  being  passed  by  another
               ship that is:
                                                              CARRY ON
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