Page 56 - MustangEbook
P. 56
NAVAL BASES HEADQUARTERS To show their pride in their “second home”,
our sailors ensure that everything is ship-
In Changi Naval Base and Tuas Naval Base shape and the finest flags and pennants are
Headquarter (HQ) Command building, the strung along the length of the ship, “fully-
State Flag, SAF Flag and RSN Ensign are to dressing” these mighty vessels.
be flown daily from colours to sunset, unless At night, when the dress-ship lights are
otherwise ordered by Chief of Navy. strung up, it is truly a sight to behold, when
SHORE NAVAL FORMATIONS they are switched on after sunset.
For special occasions including Change of RSN ships at both Naval Bases are to be
Command ceremony and visits where dressed overall on the following occasions
Ministers, Chief of Defence and Chief of between Colours and Sunset:
Navy are present, shore establishments are to
fly State Flag, SAF Flag and RSN Ensign. 1. National Day (9 August)
2. Armed Forces Day (1 July)
NAVAL DIVING UNIT (NDU) AND 3. RSN Anniversary (5 May)
COMMAND (MTDC) 5. Fleet Anniversary (Only Fleet ships)
6. MSTF Anniversary (Only MSTF
At NDU and MTDC only the RSN Ensign ships)
shall be flown daily from 0800H to sunset 7. When directed by Head Naval
except for the special occasions mentioned Operations (HNO)
All Naval shore establishments are to fly State When ships are required to be dressed, the
Flag, SAF Flag and RSN Ensign. following flags are to be flown:
DRESSING THE SHIP (RSN) 1. The RSN Sea Ensign (On the
masthead or gaff)
2. The National Flag (On the Jack staff)
3. The RSN Harbour Ensign (On the
Flag staff)
4. Dressing Lines
5. Commissioning Flag
When dressing ship, the Harbour Ensign
flown from the flag staff is to be one size
bigger than the Ensign flown from the
Dressing a ship is one of the oldest naval masthead. The State Flag is to be flown on
customs. On a few special days every year, the Jack Staff.
our ships in harbour are dressed to celebrate
special occasions. When the ship is full-dressed, a rainbow of
signal flags is to be displayed. They should