Page 57 - MustangEbook
P. 57

start from the bottom of the Jack staff to the   Ships  not  fit  to  full-dress  will  dress  with
               masthead  and  then  to  the  bottom  of  the   mast  head  Sea  Ensign  only,  for  example
               Ensign at the stern flag staff.                ships in yard. Up-slipped ships are not to be
               When dress ship is prescribed, the ship will   DRESSING LINE
               be dressed from 0800H to sunset. Dressing
               ship  is  simultaneously  accomplished  with
               the Colours ceremony.

               On dressing ship at colours, the dressing line
               is  to  be  hauled  taut  at  the  “still”.  On
               undressing ship at sunset, dressing lines are
               to be hauled down at the “carry on”.               Construction of Dressing Line for Frigates

               When dressing or full-dressing the  ship in
               honour of a foreign nation, the ensign of the
               nation replaces the RSN Sea Ensign at the

               Ships underway in the port or in the vicinity
               of  an  anchorage  or  berth  where  ships  are    Construction of Dressing Line for All other
               full-dressed  are  to  dress  with  Harbour                      Platforms
               Ensign at the gaff staff, the Sea Ensign at the
               masthead and State Flag at the Jack Staff.     FOREDOWN (FOREMAST TO JACK
               This type of dressing is known as ‘Skeleton    STAFF)
               Ships  leaving  harbour  before  1200H  or     At  the  foremast, the  first  flag  is  to be  the
               arriving  in  harbour  after  1200H will  carry   sub-divisional flag pennant and next to it is
               out ‘Skeleton Dressing’.                       a rectangular flag followed by pennant and
                                                              flag in sequence.

               Ships at foreign ports are to conform to local
                                                                        Sub-divisional Flag Pennant
               If circumstances requires half-masting when
               the ship is dressed or full-dressed, only the   At the Jack staff end, the last flag is to be
               Harbour Ensign at the flag staff is to be half-  flag ‘Echo’ and the flag next to it is flag
               masted.  Ship  underway  or  outside  of  port   ‘Quebec’.
               limits, are not to be dressed.
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