Page 59 - MustangEbook
P. 59

The  flying  of  Battle  Ensign  has  been  the
               RSN’s tradition on occasion to display the     Every  seaman  will  know  how  to  use  a
               identity of RSN as well as showcasing the      boatswain’s  call  to  pipe.  The  Boatswain’s
               fighting spirit of the Navy.                   Call  is  held  in  the  right  hand  between  the
                                                              index finger and the thumb. The buoy lies in
               CEREMONIAL PIPINGS (RSN)                       the hollow of the right hand, the keel braced
                                                              against the fleshy pad of the thumb with the
               Ceremonies in the RSN are derived from old     hole of the buoy looking upwards. The thumb
               Customs and Traditions, which demarcate the    should  press  upwards  against  the  keel,
               expressions of Respect, Joy and Sorrow.        usually just by the shackle, but not wedged
                                                              in the shackle, the index finger crooked over
               HISTORY OF PIPING                              the top of the gun. The other three fingers are
                                                              used  to  create  the  notes  by  closing  and
                                                              opening  the  airway  of  the  hole  of  the  gun
                                                              over the hole of the buoy.

                                                              The  Boatswains  Call  is  held  securely  and
                                                              firmly between the thumb and index finger of
                                                              the right hand.


               The pipe consists of a narrow tube (the gun)   To produce a low note the air must be gently
               which  directs  air  over  a  metal  sphere  (the   and  relaxingly  blown  out  with  your  three
               buoy) with a hole in the top. The player opens   fingers in the raised position.
               and closes the hand over the hole to change
               the pitch. The rest of the pipe consists of a   To make the high and low notes you need to
               “keel”, a flat piece of metal beneath the gun   control the breathing as much as the curling
               that holds the call together.                  of the fingers. To produce a high note you
                                                              must  squeeze  the  air  out  as  a  tight  steady
               The  boatswain’s  pipe,  a  special  pipe      stream  whilst  the  fingers  are  curled  down
               instrument,  is  used  to  signal  commands    over the buoy (diagram 2), you also have to
               during  ceremonies  such  as  the  Colours     blow harder to produce a high note.
               Ceremony and Sunset Ceremony, as well as       A good way of describing this is by drawing
               to pass commands to the crew. This is known    bubbles, a lot of small bubbles to represent
               as piping.                                     the high note and a few very big bubbles for
                                                              the low note.
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