Page 51 - MustangEbook
P. 51

Colours  is  a  general  term  describing  flags
               which are flown to denote the nationality of a
               ship. Examples of colours used in the RSN are
               Jack  and  Ensigns,  the  State  Flag  and
               Regimental colours respectively.

               JACK                                                              Ensign

                                                              The RSN Ensign is white and the red canton
                                                              is  from  the  national  flag.  The  lower  fly  is
                                                              charged  with  a  stylised  8-pointed  cardinal
                                                              device (termed “Mariner’s Compass”), which
                                                              helps the sailors to navigate at sea.

                                                              There are two types of ensigns, the Harbour
                                                              and Sea Ensign. Both are identical except that
                                                              the  Harbour  Ensign  is  bigger  than  the  Sea

                   Jack – State Flag of Republic of Singapore   Ensign.
                                                              The  Harbour  Ensign  will  be  flown  from  an
               This  is  the  name  of  the  State  Flag  of  the   ensign staff located at the aft end of a ship’s
               Republic  of  Singapore.  It  is  flown  at  the   flight  deck,  when  in  harbour,  at  anchor  or
               forward part of the RSN ships when they are    when moored from 0800H to sunset.
               at anchor or alongside in harbour.
                                                              The Sea Ensign will be flown throughout the
               The Jack is to be worn from 0800H to sunset    sailing when the ship is underway. The Sea
               daily in harbour, at anchor or moored.         Ensign will be flown at the guff when the ship
                                                              has exceeded the port limits. When the ship is
               The Jack is to be flown continuously day and   at yard, only the Sea Ensign is to be flown at
               night  by  any  of  the  RSN  ships  which  are   the gaff from 0800H to sunset.
               underway  and  flying  the  President  Flag  or
               escorting a vessel flying the President Flag.   For small craft, the Sea Ensign will be flown
                                                              in accordance to the Standing Instruction by
               Ships in yard are not to fly the Jack.         the  Commander.  When  underway,  all  RSN
                                                              small  craft  are  to  fly  the  Sea  Ensign
               ENSIGN                                         throughout the sailing.

                                                              The  practice  of  hoisting  and  lowering  the
                                                              Singapore national flag and Harbour Ensign is
                                                              conducted in ceremonies known as morning
                                                              “Colours”  or  evening  “Sunset”.  These
                                                              ceremonies  are  conducted  in  commissioned
                                                              shore  establishments,  in  ships  alongside  in
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