Page 48 - MustangEbook
P. 48
9. and when in formation, unless the Military courtesy requires that intermediate
salutation is ordered by the commander commanders be informed of instructions
of the formation issued to their subordinates by anyone outside
of that unit.
Although normal courtesies are expected TOGETHER
when an officer enters an area for
inspection, when an officer enters a room, While moving in a group, the most senior will
those at work or play do not come to pay compliments to the officers. A salute
attention unless spoken to by the officer. made to two or more officers will be returned
A junior, when addressed by a senior, by only one officer – the most senior one
comes to attention except in the present.
transaction of routine business between
individuals at work. POSITION OF HONOUR
When a senior officer comes into a room, Running through our customs and courtesies
attention will be called by the first person of the service, social as well as official is the
seeing him. Attention is not normally called at principle that the right side of a person or
social functions except when the affair is thing is the position of honour. “The Right of
official in nature and the guests have the Line” was the critical side in ancient battle
assembled and are awaiting the entrance of formations and is the place of honour in
the Commanding Officer or Guest of Honour. ceremonies today. In walking with a senior or
In most such events, an announcement will be riding in a vehicle the junior is on the left. The
made for all. Present to rise by the Master-of- national flag is carried or displayed on the
Ceremony. right of all others.
When accompanying a senior, a junior walks The right is the point of honour in heraldry.
or rides on the senior’s left. An exception to This practice probably originates from the
this rule is when inspecting troops, the junior days when gentlemen carried swords for
in rank walks to the right of the senior with protection. The stronger swordsman was
the senior nearest the troops being inspected. given the position of honour (the right) so that
In all cases when walking, the junior keeps his sword arm would be unhampered for a fast
in step with the senior. draw.
In entering an automobile or small boat, the PAYING OF COMPLIMENTS DURING
junior enters first and is followed by the NATIONAL ANTHEM
remainder of the party in inverse order in rank.
The proceeding is not a hard and fast rule. In WHEN OUTDOORS
order to prevent any member of the party from
climbing over another, discretion will be used When the State Flag is raised or lowered, all
in order that when seated in the vehicle or ranks in uniform when not in formation
boat, the senior is on the right. (under the orders of a commander), will salute
facing the direction of the flag. When under