Page 50 - MustangEbook
P. 50

Standing up when a senior enters a room is a   dictionary.  Next  is  enunciation  –  clearly,
               sign  of  respect.  When  in  group,  the  most   distinctly and correctly.
               senior  will  call  the  rest  to  attention,  if  the
               senior  is  an  officer.  When  a  lecture  is  in   Avoid  slang  and  profanity.  They  indicate  a
               process, personnel in the class should brace up   poorly  versed  individual  and  tend  to
               and keep still if the room is called to attention.   perpetuate  a  broader  deficient  speaking
               This rule need not apply on persons who are    community.
               engaged in work that cannot be stopped e.g.    CONVERSATION
               When  in  the  midst  of  operating  a  tool  or
               machine,  or  when  the  senior  had  been     There  should  be  reciprocity  in  the
               accorded  similar  respect  earlier.  It  is  also  a   conversations  between  military  personnel.
               sign of respect for a subordinate to stand up   One  should  avoid  abruptness  in  dismissing
               when a superior speaks to him. Discretion is   efforts  of  others  to  start  the  conversation.
               allowed  in  the  case  where  the  senior  is  an   Those who think before they speak are not apt
               immediate superior.                            to   blunder.   Engaging     in   intelligent
                                                              conversation requires,  among other things  a
               SOCIAL ETIQUETTE                               broad contact with literature, and familiarity
                                                              with current events.
               Avoid free expression resulting to hostilities.
               Avoid cliques. It should be a constant aim to   ATTITUDE TOWARDS LADIES
               broaden  acquaintances.  Social  obligations
               should  be  repaid  but  done  strictly  in    Nothing so quickly discloses the presence or
               accordance with one’s means without excuses    absence of manners in a man as his attitude
               for  simplicity  or  austerity.  Members  of  the   towards ladies. One of the established rules of
               Army are expected to be gentlemen. He must     good  society  is  that  women  deserve  special
               behave like one.                               consideration and protection. They should be
                                                              shielded  from  unpleasant  or  embarrassing
               One of the first thing a gentleman does is not   situations,  assisted  when  confronted  with
               to  offend  others.  Crude  conduct  such  as   difficulties  and  on  all  occasions  should  be
               spitting  and  belching  in  public,  to  mention   treated well with respect.
               only two of such undesirable habits, should be
               left  with  the  ill-bred.  A  gentleman  is   SHAKING HANDS
               thoughtful  of  others.  His  elders  he  would
               invariably address as “Sir” unless, of course,   The  handshake  is  executed  with  a  firm,
               they happen to be junior to him in rank.       straight  forward  clasp  of  the  hands  but  no
                                                              strenuous squeezing. This is particularly to be
               CORRECT SPEECH                                 observed when shaking hands with a lady. It
                                                              is good to know and understand the various
               One of the greatest assets of any man is his   race culture and practices in this matter too.
               ability  for  correct,  simple  and  dignified
               speech, coupled with a capacity for interesting   FLAGS (RSN)
               and    intelligent   conversation.   Correct
               pronunciation is a foremost requirement. If in   COLOURS
               doubt  avoid  its  use  until  after  access  to  a
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