Page 45 - MustangEbook
P. 45
the knights to recognise their allies from their salute and gun salute. As these salutes signify
enemies. The raising of the visor was always gestures of friendship and comradeship.
performed with the right hand. During the
“Middle Ages”, men wore heavy capes to NAVAL SALUTES
conceal their swords. When two men greeted
each other they would raise their right arm to
show that it was not on the sword hilt.
Greeting someone without raising your right
arm could potentially mean that you were
about to attack.
During the days of the Borgias, assassination
by using a knife or dagger was common.
When greeting someone the right hand was
raised to show that the person was not
concealing a dagger.
Until about 1800 the normal type of salute
Saluting with the open hand indicates friendly was the raising of the cap, originating with the
intentions and can be traced back to the removal of the steel helmet. Merely touching
middle ages when travellers also held their the cap became a recognised alternative.
open hands up in order to indicate that they Admiralty regulations of 1882 defined the
had no weapons in their possession capable of salute as removing the cap, or at least touching
injuring others. the brim between the index finger and thumb.
This is a clear indication of the origin of the
It also dates back several hundred years to the naval type of salute.
days when fighting men wore armour. Thus,
when outside the safety of walled castles, The naval salute, with the palm downwards
people often had to defend themselves. used because the palms of naval ratings,
Therefore, as the knight rode through the particularly deckhands, were often dirty
forest, he rode with his hand near his sword. through working with lines: it would be
When he met someone he recognized as a insulting to present a dirty palm to an officer,
friend, he raised his empty hand to show he so the palm was turned downwards. More
was not challenging the person. This action likely it is simply the more natural position of
was a sign of trust and respect. the hand when seizing the peak of a cap
The present-day salute is a symbol of WHOM TO SALUTE
greeting, of mutual trust and confidence,
initiated by the junior in rank, but with no loss All servicemen will salute officers’ senior
of dignity on either side. Police Officers and in rank in the course of meeting them or
Military Officers of other armies stationed in before addressing them on duty or on
Singapore would be accorded the same parade. The officers are obliged to return
compliments as that given to SAF Officers. the salute. Salutes must be executed
There are other forms of salutes besides the smartly. Saluting is permissible while in
hand salute such as the sword salute, the rifle any form of military dress, with or without