Page 43 - MustangEbook
P. 43

Company  Sergeant  Major  is  addressed  as
                                                              “Sergeant Major”. First & Second Sergeants
                                                              are  addressed  as  “Sergeant”  while  a
                                                              “Corporal”  a  “Corporal”.  Officers  generally
                   Military Domain Experts Rank Structure
                                                              address Privates and Privates First Class by
               In  May  2009,  Deputy  Prime  Minister  and   their  names.  The  full  titles  of  enlistees  are
               then-Minister  for  Defence  Teo  Chee  Hean   used in official communication.
               announced  the  introduction  of  the  Military
               Domain  Experts  Scheme  (MDES).  The          In 2008, in recognition of the importance and
               scheme,  together  with  enhancements  to  the   evolving  role  of  the  Specialist  in  3
               existing  officers'  and  warrant  officers'   Generation of SAF, the SAF introduced the
               schemes,  would  allow  the  SAF  to  recruit,   Specialist  Cadet  Trainee  (SCT)  rank  in  a
               develop and retain able and committed people   parade on 23  Dec 2008 at School Infantry
               to  build  a  strong,  capable  and  dynamic  3rd   Specialist (SISPEC).
               Generation SAF.
                                                              SAF VOLUNTEER CORPS (SAFVC)
               The  aim  of  the  MDES  is  to  allow  Military
               Experts (MEs) to develop deep expertise and
               specialisation  in  key  military  domains  like
               engineering  and  intelligence.  The  MDES
               comprises an eight-rank structure, from ME1
               to ME8. There are two main entry points at
               ME1  and  ME4,  with  the  former  for  those
               holding  diploma  qualifications  and  below,
               while university graduates can expect to start
               at ME4.

                                                                    SAF Volunteer Corps Rank Structure

                                                              Established  in  Oct  2014,  the  SAFVC  is  a
                                                              uniformed  volunteer  scheme  to  encourage
                                                              Singaporeans women, first generation Permanent
                                                              Residents (PR) and new immigrant/naturalised –
                                                              citizens  to  do  their  part  and  provide  the
                                                              opportunity  to  participate  towards  Singapore’s
                                                              defence  by  strengthening  support  for  national
                                                              service and sharing the burden with the national
                                                              servicemen.  Not  to  be  confused  with  SAF
                                                              Volunteers or the Rovers (Reservist on Voluntary
                                                              Extended Reserve Service) scheme that are made
                                                              up of former NSmen who continue to service past
                                                              the statutory age.

                     Enlistees & Specialists Rank Structure
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48