Page 47 - MustangEbook
P. 47
Warships at sea salute each other for the same conditions, the unit is not brought to attention
reasons military personnel do on land. when the commander salutes. An individual
in formation comes to attention or stand-at-
First, a call to attention is sounded on the ease when addressed by a senior officer.
junior ship, notifying all crew on the upper
deck to face the senior ship. Then the call to On the approach of an officer senior in rank, a
be "Still" is piped using a high-pitched whistle group of individuals not in formation is called
note played on the Boatswain's call for 8 to attention by the first person seeing him. All
seconds. This brings the ship to attention come smartly to attention and salute.
while the bridge team pay their compliments When actively engaged on a detail,
to the senior ship. individuals do not salute. The person in
charge of the detail salutes for the entire
The "Carry On" call, a 2-second whistle group. However, when an officer addresses
comprising a high and a low note is then an individual in the detail, he comes to
piped. The crews of both ships usually wave attention and at the termination of the
to one another as a friendly gesture at this conversation salute is exchanged.
juncture. As a sign of respect, merchant ships
also salute passing warships by dipping their WHEN NOT TO SALUTE
national flags.
In general, one does not salute under the
PAYING OF COMPLIMENTS BY following conditions:
1. Indoors, except when reporting to an
Sentries on duty armed with rifle sling around officer;
their neck (by means of rifle extension slings)
will come to “Attention” and bring their rifle 2. engaged in routine work when the salute
to “High Port” position when paying would interfere;
compliments to officers – entering or leaving
the camp. 3. carrying articles in both hands or being
otherwise occupied as to make saluting
SALUTING IN GROUPS impracticable (where possible, articles
should be carried in their left hand);
Individuals in formation do not render or
return salutes except at the command, 4. the rendition of the salute is obviously
“Present Arms.” The individual in charge inappropriate;
salutes for the entire formation.
Commanders of organisations which are 5. the person is a prisoner;
not part of a larger
On the approach of an
officer senior in rank, a formation salute 6. riding in a public conveyance
group of individuals not officers of higher
in formation is called to rank by bringing the 7. When actively engaged in athletics;
attention by the first body of troop to
person seeing him. attention before 8. Inside places of worship. Theatres, or
saluting. In the field places of public assemblage.
under combat or simulated combat