Page 42 - MustangEbook
P. 42
Lieutenant is addressed officially as etc. It became usual to be addressed as “Sir”
“Lieutenant”. The adjective “Second” is not but no salutes are rendered to them. Army
used except in written communication. The RSM is addressed as Sergeant Major of the
same principle also holds for other ranks. In Army. Division RSM as Division Sergeant
conversation and in unofficial Major. Formation RSM as Formation
correspondence, Brigadier General, Major Sergeant Major. Brigade RSM, as Brigade
General and Lieutenant Generals are usually Sergeant Major. Battalion RSM, as RSM (in
referred to and addressed as “General”. short) and Warrant Officers as “Encik”.
Lieutenant Colonels are addressed as
“Colonel”. “Ma’am” is used in addressing a In 2006, a review in addressing WOs was
female officer under the same circumstances done. All Sergeant Major appointment
when addressing a male officer as “Sir”. holders would be addressed as “Sergeant
Major” and the general population of WOs
In 2010, the SAF introduced the rank of would be addressed as “Encik” for the men
Senior Lieutenant Colonel (SLTC) during the and “Cik” for the women.
promotion ceremony at MINDEF Auditorium
on 24 Jun 2010. In 2010, in recognition of the rising
educational standards and potential of future
WARRANT OFFICERS Specialist cohort, the rank of Third Warrant
Officer (3WO) was introduced on 1 Apr
In 2012, The SAF introduced the new Chief
Warrant Officer (CWO) rank to warrant
officers, in recognition of their significant
contributions in higher appointments. In
appearance, the new CWO rank insignia is
similar to the Senior Warrant Officer (SWO)
rank insignia with four chevrons, but it sports
the addition of laurels around the coat of arms.
Warrant Officers Rank Structure
Since the SAF Warrant Officer ranks were MILITARY DOMAIN EXPERTS
introduced as the pinnacle rank for Non SCHEME (MDES)
Commissioned Officers (NCO), most of the
Warrant Officers were Regimental Sergeant
Majors (RSM) and they were addressed as
“Encik” (Mister)
In 1992, Warrant Officers began taking over
appointments normally held by officers such
as Platoon Commander, Company Second-
inCommand, Officer commanding in
Training Schools as well as Training Officer,
Quartermaster, Motor & Transport Officer