Page 38 - Issue 34
P. 38
Ron was recognized for his on was recognized for his
creativity and ingenuity,
creativity and ingenuity,
and had this car made the
and had this car made the
drive portion of the event
drive portion of the event
it defi nitely would have
it defi nitely would have
been a contender.
been a contender.
e’ve seen lots of rat rods in a little bigger than that. Starting with
which the builder uses bits and a 1953 M35A2 cargo truck (otherwise
pieces of Army surplus like known as a ‘deuce-and-a-half’ for its
Wammo cans and the like. Ron 2Ð ton off-road carrying capacity),
Lahr and his team, “The Smartest Dumb they whittled that 15,000-pound beast
Guys” from Slaughters, Kentucky went down into a lean and lithe machine.
38x41_BuildOff_RLahr_RR1601.indd 38 10/27/15 2:22 PM