Page 39 - Issue 34
P. 39

Ron Lahr


                                                      INGENUITY AWARD

                                                   WRITTEN BY RICK LOXTON
                                                   PHOTOS BY JERRY RIPLEY
                                                     AND ALSO PROVIDED
                                                         BY RON LAHRY RON LAHR

            “I really wanted to do something                     but to gravitate towards building the
            different than everybody else,” says                 deuce. “God kept laying on my heart to
            Ron. The name of the car is ‘Slight                  build this military cab, so it was a slight
            Miscalculation’, referring to the fact               miscalculation on my part. And I know
            that he was originally going to build his            why He wanted me to build it – because
            ’30 Studebaker, but he couldn’t help                 it turned out awesome!”

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     39

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