Page 60 - Issue 34
P. 60
Dik Jones
Dik Jones
endersonville, Tennessee. Home
to the Man in Black himself –
Johnny Cash. It’s also home to
HDik Jones, Josh Deen, and the
gang at Confederate Customs who
Cody put together this wicked bike.
Lloyd frame, namely the stock motor mount and seat
There’s a little bit left of the original panhead
post castings. Hot rod fans will dig the single
loop downtube frame, as its made from an old
I-beam front end. It’s the perfect shape for what
PENNY PINCHER AWARD they needed and it’s cool, to boot.
WINNER Out back is a trick custom leaf spring that
kinda looks like the rear fender, while up front a
combination of handbuilt parts and the springs
his year featured our fi rst father/ and guts from a ‘70’s-era girder front end handle
son competitors. Rick and Cody steering duties. Stock Road King wheels keep
Lloyd of Newalla, Oklahoma things rolling while an Exile sprotor setup slows
them down.
T were chosen for the car and bike The engine was a derelict 74-inch shovelhead
The engine was a derelict 74-inch shovelhead
build-offs, respectively. Cody’s entry which was resuscitated with the addition of STD
which was resuscitated with the addition of STD
is this combination BSA/Harley/ aluminum performance heads, H-grind cam, and
aluminum performance heads, H-grind cam, and
Cushman that may look ratty but KB Performance forged hemi domed pistons.
KB Performance forged hemi domed pistons.
Big thanks to the members of the build team:
sounds about as wicked as anything Big thanks to the members of the build team:
Josh Deen, Dik Jones, David Smotherman, Josh
we’ve heard on two wheels. Josh Deen, Dik Jones, David Smotherman, Josh
Harden, Shannon Murray and Michael Alexander.
Harden, Shannon Murray and Michael Alexander.
The frame is made up of a BSA neck and
forks while the rest of it is pure Milwaukee steel.
forks while the rest of it is pure Milwaukee steel.
Nestled in the frame tubes is the engine and
transmission of a ’61 Cushman three-wheeled
scooter. He’s got three forward gears and
reverse. The fi nal drive is the differential from a
reverse. The fi nal drive is the differential from a
lawn mower.
He set out to build something that was going
He set out to build something that was going
to be different than anybody else and we’ll
have to say he succeeded. Despite the odd
combination of parts, Cody says that bike rides
combination of parts, Cody says that bike rides
and drives just fi ne.
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