Page 62 - Issue 34
P. 62

Rat Rod International

                                                                                     e wanted to take a moment
                                                                                     and thank our friends from
                                                                                     Kos’Thor Motors in Lorraine
                                                                                     France for participating in the
                                                                          W Build-Off festivities. Yo and
                                                                          Laeti are wonderful people who became
                                                                          part of our family the minute we met
                                                                          them. They deal in American hot rods and
                                                                          bikes through their shop where they have
                                                                          put out some impressive machines – some
                                                                          of which that have been featured in RRM
                                                                          earlier this year.

                                                                             Like our South African ambassadors,
                                                                          Yo and Laeti are spreading the love of
                                                                          American rat rod and hot rod culture
                                                                          in places that are hard for us to reach.
                                                                          These two international outlets enable us
                                                                          to share not only the magazine, but the
                                                                          lifestyle, ideology, and passion with people
                                                                          who may otherwise never experience it.
                                                                                                         - Steve

                                                                          You can check out and follow each

                                                                          respective operation by visiting their

                                    We were fortunate                     facebook pages or websites:
                                   enough to play hosts
                                   to this crazy couple
                                  before heading down
                                  to Grafton… and I have
                                   the goofy selfi es to
                                        prove it.

                                                                          France – KOS’THOR on facebook,


                                                                          South Africa – Ratrod SA on facebook,


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