Page 75 - Issue 34
P. 75

ith the frame built and rear
                           end and front axle all set
                           up, along with steering
                           complete, and motor, trans
                  Wand drive shaft all hooked
                  up and ready to go, not to mention the
                  body and bed all attached, one would
                  think that we’re almost fi nished with
                  this VW, but not so fast sparky, we’re
                  not home yet, and yes, now the devil
                  comes full face in the details!  By the
                  way, we’re not real hot on grammar or
                  punctuation or what a sentence looks
                  like in the south, but you get my gist.  I
                  build rods and not novels.  At any rate,
                  yet left to do is this list...  Radiator and
                  grill, pedals, wiring, lighting, gauges,
                  exhaust, interior, and making it legal.  In
                  the next issue we will tackle as many of
                  these at a time as I have room for.
                    Yes, there is a light at the end
                  of the tunnel, even if it might be
                  a train! We’ll start with cooling. If
                  you are running a 20’s or 30’s grill
                  shell as we are on this VW, the
                  best bet outside a custom made
                  radiator (mucho bucks) is a 64-66
                  mustang radiator.  First they will
                  cool most V8’s, although you
                  may need a mechanical fan on
                  the inside as well as an electric
                  fan on the outside blowing back
                  through.  Still this little radiator
                  fi ts in any of the 20’s and 30’s
                  grill shells, and they’re cheap.
                  Twenty fi ve to fi fty at a swap
                  meet, and $129.95, now at
                  AutoZone new.  To set it up,
                  get yourself a stack of blocks
                  (2x4’s or whatever) and set
                  the radiator on them to check
                  height.  Run a level from the
                  cowl to the radiator, and set it
                  about 3” lower than that level.

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