Page 77 - Issue 34
P. 77
side in order to mount it to the
frame. Most of these old grills
you fi nd will not have a bug
screen, and one quick fi x is at
Home Depot in the grills and
cooking outside stoves. It is a
piece of grate, 20” x 20”, and it
can be fi tted nicely into the grill
and looks like it was made for it.
It not only serves as your shield
but also hides that ugly electric
fan from showing. A little black
paint can do wonders.
With these things fi nished,
you can hook up your hoses and belts and water wetter, or whichever brand you may
call the front end done. One last word to choose. It drops temp by 10 degrees on
the wise, Watch your clearances on both some brands, and as much as 20 degrees
fans. The electric fan has a shroud, and can on others. Pure distilled water and 3 bottles
be mounted almost touching the radiator. of those cooling products can change the
The mechanic fan will need to be within 1 picture big time. With this combination
1/2” to 2” of the radiator. Closer and you’re I got one that got hot every time I got
pushing your luck, further away and it backed up in heavy traffi c. It now runs cool
won’t cool it without rigging a shroud of enough with both fans and the chemicals,
some kind. At 1 1/2” to 2” you won’t need that even on the hottest days in the south,
a shroud for it to cool. For those running I’ve been good to go with no overheating.
This issue is packed, so I’ll stop for now, and
radical cams, you may also consider running This issue is packed, so I’ll stop for now, and his issue is packed, so I’ll stop for now, and
radical cams, you may also consider running
start to wind up the VW in
start to wind up the VW in tart to wind up the VW in
the next few issues. Happy
the next few issues. Happy
Rat Rodding, and if your
Rat Rodding, and if your
dream isn’t big enough
dream isn’t big enough
to scare you, you’re
to scare you, you’re
not dreaming near big
not dreaming near big
74x77_TommysToolbox_RR1601.indd 77 10/26/15 4:46 PM