Page 78 - Issue 34
P. 78
from Pastor David
Confrontation onfrontation onfrontation
or those of you who did not make it to the tolerance for someone’s beliefs or actions but not
Build-Off this year, know that you were missed. accept it as mine. Tolerating someone’s beliefs or
If you aren’t family, come get in the circle actions is part of loving them unconditionally. It is
Fand you soon will be. And I am not speaking absolutely a huge factor in the grace which is Jesus.
some elite “gotta have the Tshirt” thing either. Now ponder this a moment. How have our
These Rat Rod people are just awesome folks who lives changed because of this? How much has
understand family. happened recently that has changed the course
“Our family increased when we met you.” of this nation because a few were allowed to take
- Charlie Pacheco. a new course without resistance. Tolerance or
We weren’t always like that of course. When I acceptance?
fi rst got into this dysfunctional group I saw highly Having tolerance is one thing but if you
independent loners who lived deep in their shops quietly allow it to change your life or your
buried in rust, collected parts and mismatched children’s lives then you have now crossed over
tools. There was tension in this independence. the line and chosen acceptance. Is this who you
“But God” (My favorite Bible quote) got us to listen want to be?
to each other’s stories and we found we were all I saw two of my best friends in the whole wide
related even though sometimes we did not agree. open world get into a thing during the Build-Off.
I believe confrontation is a good thing. Yes, I Something happened that could have ended some
love a good fi ght but I am not talking about that people’s relationship. As one walked up to join our
sort of confrontation. I am speaking of the sort group, the other rose and went to him so as to be
that brings out the gold in people. This wonderful in private. There were strong words, much tension,
country of ours started with confrontation. and even tears between these two warriors but
How many times have you found out a life- in the end, they somehow grew way closer than
changing fact about your spouse or child through a they had been before the clash. What do Nurses,
confrontation? Firefi ghters, Police, and our Military do if not be
Have you noticed a shift in this country when it agents of confrontation?
comes to this topic? People, social networking and/ I learned this hard lesson with my dad. He had
or the media are saying it may not be a good thing. just had his second chemotherapy when I drove him
“Oh I don’t want to offend anyone.” home from the hospital. He was hurting all over and
I think there was a healthy balance between sick from the cancer and the meds. He started in
people who “Run to” and people who “Run from” on me about this or that and said things that would
confrontation until recently. There are those who have normally hurt me to the bone, especially since
are attempting to control society by saying it is I knew that in less than a year he would be gone. I
“not cool” to start or contribute to a confrontation. sat there wondering to myself why the things he
I have even heard lately, “if you do not believe and was saying were not destroying me and then I got
agree with what I have to say then you are a bigot” it. If I had not run to the confrontation and listened
or “I just let it go because I didn’t want to start to his heart, I would have never been able to love
something.” Folks…. This is America. Speak up! on him and ease his pain. After that night my dad
I propose to you that I can disagree with you and I got closer than we had been in all of my life. I
and still love the stink out of you. thank God for that confrontation.
Tolerance is the big word today. We are being “I have no desire to control you. I brought no
told that we should be tolerant of everyone’s beliefs judgement with me.” - D.S.
and lifestyles. This year’s Build-Off entailed lots of “Love me. Love each other.” - Jesus
close contact in tight quarters for 30 days. We Allow confrontation. If you allow it in gentleness
might not have always agreed with everything each then it will change your life and the relationships
other said, lived or smelled like for that matter but you share and cherish.
folks - - - we got along. Keep them cards and letters coming.
So is it Jesus to have tolerance? I believe it
is. There is however, a vast difference between “God loves you so much He cannot keep His
tolerance and acceptance. I may be able to have eyes off of you.”
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