Page 38 - Issue 39
P. 38
A few essentials
Personal story & takeaway message
The fi rst truck I ever built from nothing, 1965 Grinders: “A grinder
Chevrolet C10, was something that anyone in their right can become a useful
mind would have sent to the scrap yard and claimed tool with many different
their $200. Me being a crazy, artistic and passionate 18 attachments (as seen). I
year-old I decided to take this and turn it into a budget have a few to save time,
build and learning opportunity. About 6 months of work but only 1 is necessary.
and $500 later I had a cool little classic truck that had a Also remember to take care
halfway decent 30ft paintjob on it. of them (oil/grease), so they last”
I used rust-oleum paint from the local hardware Drill: “The older the better.
store on the entire truck and old lawnmower fenders Many of the new drills are junk. I
as replacement cab corners. I re-used and re-fi nished chose to buy a brand new one last
the fl atbed that was already on the truck and went winter, it never gets used because
through the basics of the engine to get ‘er running it’s wimpy; instead I use the new
good. I even used 2x4’s for sanding blocks for the battery on the old drill.”
bondo work- not a fancy pneumatic stick sander or Welder: “A mig welder will
other expensive tools. get you a long way. I have built
After the truck was completed, the San Francisco entire cars with this little 110v,
Globe actually wrote an article on this build because gas shielded, welder that’s
they were impressed with the passion and work that seen here.”
had obviously gone into the restoration by a young Welding helmet:
man. To read the entire article google search “Luke “Welding helmets are
Merrill restores old Chevy truck.” essential. The quality of the
While this exposure may not be “typical” of helmet is a luxury. As seen
a budget build, it goes to show that the most on the left is a Harbour
respectable aspect of the build is the passion, Freight Speed lens: it works,
dedication and hard work. Not the money, the garage but isn’t as nice as the one
it was built in, the tools used or the knowledge that on the right, which is an
it took to build said creation. I went into it with very Arcone speed lends which
little money (didn’t even have a job at the age of 18), has adjustable modes and
minimal tools and zero knowledge outside of the many more features than the
basic oil change- which I had just learned how to do. H.F. model. I weld frequently and am happy with my
Rather I was passionate, motivated and willing little extra investment in the Arcone helmet.”
to work hard to learn something that interested me.
When you can go into the shop and forget about all Luxury Item
of life’s worries for the entire time you are working, Drill Doctor: “While not
you know you are in the proper place. A few small necessary, a drill doctor (drill bit
obstacles like those mentioned above should not stop sharpener) is a good one-time
you. The only thing truly stopping you is yourself. Get investment in saving yourself
out there, build your dreams, build your skills and the some time. No matter the project,
rest will come naturally. you will most likely use drill bits.”
To see more DIY type tutorials, in video format, do not limit what you
make sure to check out & subscribe to my YouTube can build- only you limit the
channel at possibilities.”
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