Page 37 - Issue 39
P. 37
u air compressor (in this case, size out of the elements. my point being, if you have
doesn’t really matter but obviously enough motivation and $5 to buy a tarp, you
larger is preferred) can have a usable workspace.
u Sharpie (probably about 30 of them
because you will lose 28 on the first day) Knowledge
u Jack & Jack Stands (or if you’re feeling Knowledge is defined as the theoretical
Leading to Inspire Learning to Educate u very ambitious-wooden blocks) or practical understanding of a subject. do
you look at cars and understand the basic
a fridge full of beer or pop
u Friends that’ll come over and pretend mechanisms of how they move? most likely,
to help , but just drink your cold beer yes. that means you have knowledge in the
u an open & creative mind is your most automotive world. Just because you aren’t
important & cheapest tool the next Boyd codington or can’t teach a
u Space to work: whether it’s indoors class in automotive know-how doesn’t mean
or outdoors (the rain only slows you, you can’t succeed in building something.
doesn’t stop you) Utilizing the knowledge that you have and
being determined to add to that knowledge by
Luxury items: hands-on experience is more important than
u Sawzall and/or chop saw knowing everything.
u impact Wrench i, personally, didn’t even know how to
u drill Press change my own oil until i was nearly 18 years
u Benchtop grinder old. does it look like that stopped me from
u torch (cutting & heating) pursuing my dreams? it absolutely did not!
u Benchtop sheer i utilized the internet, friends, family and all
u Soldering gun possible resources that i could to educate
u 220v Power supply (For larger welder myself on how to do car things. 6 years later i
& compressor) have built some awesome rides. While the first
u drill doctor (drill Bit sharpener) couple were not outstanding, they were the
best i could do. and that was the motivation
Garage i needed to continue growing my knowledge
now that the basic tools have been and skills.
addressed let us address the “lack of garage.”
a garage is defined as a place of which you Money
store or build a vehicle; while often it has a money is another excuse used very often
roof and walls, that is not a requirement to by pessimistic individuals. money does not
my general definition of a garage. i have seen limit the ability to build a vehicle, but rather
awesome builds come out of an outdoor limits the luxury factor of said vehicle. don’t
driveway. even people like chip Foose started get yourself stuck in the “Sema quality” build
as a young man with a dream and no real pot standard and give up entirely. Building Sema
to pis* in. While a huge enclosed garage is quality or top-notch show quality cars is a
a luxury, it is not a necessity. a car port can process that takes many years of experience.
substitute as a pretty good garage/workspace We are talking rat rods here- anything goes,
at an affordable price. i have even seen people folks!! in a later issue i will address the most
string tarps between trees to stay shaded & economical ways to save money on your build. Rat Rod Magazine 37
36x39 luke merrill.indd 37 8/10/16 1:50 PM