Page 25 - Issue 47
P. 25

                              hen we featured Walker’s ’37 Dodge “tanker” on the cover of        COVER,
                          W issue #5, it turned a lot of heads around the country. This machine   ISSUE #5
                          literally had it all – massive horsepower, phenomenal build quality, and   OWNER: CHRIS
                          huge visual impact. The homemade tank, the massive engine with no      WALKER
                          visible radiator, and the overall fl ow of the design make it one of our   PHOTOGRAPHER:
                          favorites to this day. In fact, we liked it enough to stick it on the cover   CHAD TRUSS
                          of our book: The Illustrated History of the Rat Rod.                   AND J.P.

                     The cover of
                   Issue #5 remains
                one of the most popular
                     in RRM history.

               Disclaimer: The presentation of this article refl ects the vehicles’ owners at the time that the feature was originally written.

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