Page 8 - Issue 47
P. 8
As a car show, it was hugely w, it was hugely
As a car sho
successful, drawing almost 1200 cars
successful, drawing almost 1200 cars
over three days. There were plenty
over three days. There were plenty
of rat rods, but there was a little
of rat rods, but there was a little
bit of everything there – kustoms,
bit of everything there – kustoms,
musclecars, survivors - enough
musclecars, survivors - enough
variety for any gearhead to get his or
variety for any gearhead to get his or
her automotive fi x.
her automotive fi x.
But everybody expects cars to be
But everybody expects cars to be
at a car show. What makes the Ruckus
at a car show. What makes the Ruckus
unique is the large variety of activities
unique is the large variety of activities
available to both the show participants
available to both the show participants
and the viewing public. How about a
and the viewing public. How about a
pinup contest? Yeah, we know other
pinup contest? Yeah, we know other
shows have those, too. But do they It was a stereotypical warmer-than- would receive a signifi cant donation
shows have those, too. But do they
have them in conjunction with a greaser
have them in conjunction with a greaser from the Fall eRATicate Cancer Cruise.
usual Midwestern fall day where the
contest for the guys? This year, the
contest for the guys? This year, the Well if you thought there was a dry eye
colors popped around every bend in
Ruckus had adult and junior divisions for
Ruckus had adult and junior divisions for on any of those big, tough rat rodders —
the road on the trek from Somerset,
each. Since they had so many entries,
WI to Hayward, WI. The sponsors and you would be sadly mistaken. You could
each. Since they had so many entries,
they had to split both junior divisions into
they had to split both junior divisions into have heard a pin drop. There were tears
people of the Northwood’s showed
their generous spirit as usual. With
teen divisions, as well. There was even a and smiles and a big hug from Chuck.
teen divisions, as well. There was even a
nine scheduled stops - eight Saturday
family from West Virginia that entered At the end of the night after all the
family from West Virginia that entered
three generations into the pinup contest
three generations into the pinup contest
and one stop Sunday - the cruisers driving, everyone headed back to ‘The
enjoyed food, beverages and the alwa
– mother, daughter, and granddaughter.
– mother, daughter, and granddaughter.ys Cabin’ owned by Roger Quast and his
Were you feeling a little scruffy or
entertaining burnouts at the Four wife Erin; which has been the base camp
Were you feeling a little scruffy or
maybe not so pretty that weekend?
Seasons Resort on Nelson Lake. of this Fall Cruise for 2 years now. This
maybe not so pretty that weekend?
The ECC board had been contacted
No worries, because there was an
No worries, because there was an is the time where everyone sits by the
assortment of professionals there to fi re pit to relax and enjoy the company
assortment of professionals there to
earlier in the week by a very brave
give haircuts, shaves, and makeup to
Mr. Chuck Wulf who had wanted to
give haircuts, shaves, and makeup to of new friends and old. It was noted
participate the previous year but was
anybody who wanted them. What
anybody who wanted them. What by one new cruise goer that what he
better way to get ready for the pinup/ experienced that day was one of the
not well enough to attend. Chuck is
better way to get ready for the pinup/
battling cancer and it has presented a
greaser contests?
greaser contests? most amazing things ever when the
As for entertainment, you had many
As for entertainment, you had many
fi nancial burden on him and his family. donation was given to Chuck. Another
It became apparent to the board
choices. There were four bands playing
choices. There were four bands playing cruiser noted while talking by the fi re
music all weekend. If you knew how to
members that Chuck had entered their
music all weekend. If you knew how to that he never imaged that people who
dance, great. If not – there were swing
dance, great. If not – there were swing
lives for a reason. Chuck had worked all were virtual strangers a day earlier
dance lessons available for those not
dance lessons available for those not
year on his rat rod so that he could drive would feel so much like family.
it in this cruise. Chuck lived, raised his
gifted with that ability. For those that
gifted with that ability. For those that And so the story will continue. In
wanted something more exiting, The
wanted something more exiting, The
family, and in the past owned a business 2018 on May 12th the next annual Spring
American Motordrome Company made
in the Northwood’s of Wisconsin.
American Motordrome Company made cruise will commence with the addition
Gratefully Chuck was able to make it on
its fi rst appearance at the Ruckus.
its fi rst appearance at the Ruckus. of simultaneous events in other states.
the cruise in his rat rod and was joined
If you ever have the need to watch
If you ever have the need to watch New friends will come together with
by 3 of his sons. the diehard cruisers of years past.
people ride vintage Harleys and Indians
people ride vintage Harleys and Indians
During the stop at one of the cruise
as well as go-karts around the inside
as well as go-karts around the inside Lives will be changed. The cycle
sponsor’s - Hayward Power Sports - the will continue with donations to
of what amounts to a huge wooden
of what amounts to a huge wooden
board’s chair Roger E. Quast, announced deserving cancer survivors. Stars
barrel, you gotta see this.
barrel, you gotta see this.
The fairgrounds are home to a large
to a room fi lled with cruisers that Chuck will align again.
The fairgrounds are home to a large
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