Page 69 - Issue 33
P. 69

presented by hardLuck Kings

                  BYLINE NAME AUTHOR


             Ark                                                 Every generation has those defi ning

                                                                 songs that can immediately transport
                                                                 you back to that time the second you
                          WRITTEN BY RICK LOXTON
                                                                 hear them. ‘The Freshmen’ from The
                 First of all, they’ve recently released their fi rst
              studio album in thirteen years. Fans of The Verve Pipe   Verve Pipe is one of those songs. It was
              will fi nd plenty to love on ‘Overboard.’ It’s full of the   a megahit in 1997 and still stands on its
              wonderful storytelling that has been a trademark of   own as a great song both musically and
              the band since its inception. Musically, it’s full of variety,
              from the power pop of ‘Here in the Dark’ to the folksy   lyrically 20 years after its initial release.
              title track. It’s not without a sense of humor, with the   We recently caught up with lead singer
              contrast of upbeat music and somber lyrics of ‘Ain’t
              Too Hard to Live Without Love.’ There’s also a music   Brian Vander Ark to talk about what the
              video for the single, ‘Overboard’ and by the time you   band his been up to lately. I’m telling
              are reading this, there will be an animated video for
              their next single, ‘Hit and Run.’                  you right now – you’ll be surprised!
                 Being from Michigan, they had to be infl uenced
              by Bob Seger, Alice Cooper, and Ted Nugent right?   and Brian came up with the concept of Lawnchairs
              Wrong. Brian explains: “We were much more          and Living Rooms. When he’s out on the road, he’ll
              infl uenced by the English sound and English lyrics of   book three or four private shows over a weekend in
              Elvis Costello, The Beatles and XTC. Maybe Hüsker Dü,   which he’ll play for an hour and then hang out with his
              as far as the Midwest goes. I identify more with the   fans for another hour.
              Minneapolis music scene than Seger, and Nugent and   “You’re the man behind the curtain when you’re
              the others from here.”                             playing shows (at concert venues). And that’s gone.
                 So what else have they been doing in the thirteen   You’re going into peoples’ homes that you’ve never
              years between albums? Entertaining children, it turns   met. You’re at the mercy of what the party’s like. But
              out. They’ve had two wildly successful children’s   as long as you’re playing what they want to hear and
              albums. And to top it off, they’ve also supported the   they’re respectful, they’ll listen and buy CD’s. You
              albums and built up a following with live shows. “Our   do the meet and greet and it’s off to the next one. I
              kids shows are quite the spectacle. We’re not the   recommend it to all my 90’s friends who are having a
              Wiggles. There’s lots of silliness and craziness and big   hard time. But some of them don’t want to do it. They
              four-part harmonies. We like to think of ourselves as   won’t take that next step. They like the barrier between
              the ‘Queen’ of kid’s rock. It’s very theatrical, and it’s a   fan and musician. I’m no different than anybody else
              lot of fun. We fi gured that all the people who listened   who has a family. I just play music for a living.”
              to us in the 90’s are older and have kids.” The albums   2016 marks the 20th anniversary of their big album,
              can be found on iTunes under The Verve Pipe.       Villians. The band is planning a huge tour with other
                 And we’ll bet that you didn’t know that you could   90’s bands whom are yet to be determined. To fi nd
              have Brian play a very intimate set for you and some   out the latest on this or any other news on the band,
              friends at your party. In 2007, fi nances were a bit tight   check out the following links:


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