Page 70 - Issue 33
P. 70

                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                PORK REPORT
                                                          t’s hard to believe that we’re
                                                          in 2015! As a little kid, I
                                                          remember a game in school
                                                          where we’d talk about what
                                                     I it was going to be like in
                                                      the year 2000. Flying cars were
                                                     going to be the next level after
                                                    the Aries K car-remember? Lee
                                                  Iacocca really let me down.
                                                   The exact opposite has been
                                            trending in cars since 2000. This was so
                             totally evident at the greatest car show in Texas this year, the
                             Lone Star Round Up! This was the 14th annual celebration
                             of car culture, and man was it a doozey. Over the two day
                             event there were more pre-'63 cars than you could shake
                             a stick at (not that you’d want to do that). Thousands and
                             thousands of rusty crusty survivors and rebuilt hopped-up
                             hotrods fi ll the grounds outside of Austin for two days. LSRU really is
                             more than a car show. It is a lifestyle show full of music, threads, beer,
                             dames….and (my favorite) minibike races.
                                This year was a touch different for me. Typically I race around for 48 hours
                             and snap every shot I can, in a feverish race to gain as much material as
                             I can. However this year I decided to be a vendor and hock my photos,
                                                 canvases, shirts, stickers and whatnot. The
                                                 Travis County Expo Center has a wonderful air
                                                conditioned building for many great artists….I
                                                was NOT in there. I was in the outdoor barn with
                                               the bumpers and old parts.
                                                Ever hour or so my galfriend would let me sneak
                                           out and make the rounds. SO I would hurriedly run
                                            around, getting what I could, grab her a soda and a
                                              dawg and hustle back. On the fi rst night, the skies
                                                opened up about 4 o’clock.  We covered up the
                                                 booth and skedaddled into a MONSOON. On the
                                                   way to the hotel more than a foot of rain came
                                                    down, and we saw a new BMW hydroplane
                                                     off the highway in front of us. The power
                                                      went out at our hotel and terror
                                                       ensued as Austin washed out.
                                                        The second night, as the
                                                         show was winding down,
                                                         Zeus once again lashed
                                                          out. We packed up only
                                                          to get caught in blinding
                                                           rain that fl ooded the city,
                                                           sideways monster hail,
                                                           and what we were sure
                                                            was a tornado. Absolute
                                                            fury from the skies!


         70x73_RR1511_PorkReport.indd   70                                                                    8/21/15   6:26 PM
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