Page 73 - Issue 37
P. 73

mechanical action of moving      Because most V-8 engines of       fi lm, which reduces metal-to-
              engine parts can literally tear apart,   yesteryear came standard with   metal contact. This is especially
              or shear, the molecular structure   fl at-tappet cams, the problem is   important in modifi ed engines
              of the oil. Oil that has sheared   especially prevalent to owners of   operating at higher temperatures
              loses viscosity, often thought of as   rat rods, classic cars and hot rods.  and under higher pressures.
              the oil’s thickness. Suddenly, your   Roller cams, on the other      Reduced ZDDP levels in motor
              engine that’s designed to run on   hand, are differentiated by rolling   oil has been a hot topic among
              10W-40 motor oil, for example, is   contact rather than sliding contact.   engine builders for years. Some
              using what amounts to a 10W-30   Although more costly, roller cams   attribute a rash of cam failures to
              oil. Using the incorrect viscosity for   are common in most modern   modern oils that contain reduced
              your engine can negatively affect   vehicles and can be retrofi tted into   ZDDP. So what should you do to
              wear protection. Conventional oils   older engines.                maximize the wear protection of
              are more prone to viscosity loss    Zinc and phosphorus (ZDDP)     your engine?
              due to shear than synthetic oils.   anti-wear additives added to     For starters, use a high-
                 The cam lobe/tappet interface   the motor oil play a vital role   quality synthetic motor oil. The
              is one notable area exposed to   in protecting against wear in     synthetic vs. conventional motor
              extreme pressures, especially if   these situations. ZDDP also     oil debate has largely been settled.
              you’re using fl at-tappet lifters or   provides corrosion and oxidation   Most people who care anything
              high-tension valve springs. A thin   protection. However, because   about engines know by now
              oil fi lm is the only barrier that   the zinc and phosphorus found   that synthetics are simply better.
              prevents the lifter and cam lobe   in ZDDP can negatively affect   They’re made of higher-quality
              from welding together. If the oil   catalytic converters, it has   ingredients, and they deliver
              fi lm fails or provides insuffi cient   been phased out of motor oil   resistance to extreme heat and
              wear protection, the two         formulations in recent years.     wear protection conventional oils
              components can eventually wear                                     just can’t touch.
              the fl at-tappet cam and affect   How ZDDP Works                      What’s more, use an oil fortifi ed
                                                  As temperatures rise and emperatures rise and
              valve operation.                    As t                           with extra ZDDP for added wear
                                               surfaces come closer together,
              Engine power                     surfaces come closer together,    protection. The motor oil market
                                               ZDDP activates, and the
              and effi ciency                   ZDDP activates, and the           contains several options. Here
              can decline if the               resulting chemistry protects      at AMSOIL, we offer Z-ROD®
                                               resulting chemistry protects
                                                   critical metal surfaces.
              fl at-tappet cam                      critical metal surfaces.      Synthetic Motor Oil, which contains
              cannot lift the                         When parts move during     a heavy treatment of ZDDP for
                                                      When parts move during
              valves enough to                          operation, any sliding   extra protection.
                                                        operation, any sliding
              adequately charge                           or rolling motion        What’s the point of investing
              adequately charge
                                                          or rolling motion
              the chamber for                               takes place on top   time and money into building your
                                                            takes place on top
              ignition or release
              ignition or release                            of or within the    rat rod if you don’t take care of the
                                                             of or within the
                                                              ZDDP anti-wear
              exhaust fumes.                                  ZDDP anti-wear     engine that powers it?
                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     73
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