Page 75 - Issue 37
P. 75

                                                               WITH  GE GE

                 As you get older, as I get older, no fact has ever   project needs a little rethinking.  There is nothing
              become clearer: you will not have enough time to   wrong with adjusting your vision of the fi nal
              get done what you want to.  The reality is our time   product before starting again.
              on this earth will come to an end, and someone     The friend willing to give their time to you is
              will be either fi nishing your current project,   worth paying back in kind; this hands-on effort
              mothballing it for a possible revisit in the future,   needs to be held in high value.  Many will offer to
              or, heaven forbid, boxing it up to haul it away on   help when in fact only a few will show up on time
              the per-ton basis.  You only have the present to   that day you need them.  If you are doing it right,
              do what you want to do.  What you give your rat   you should fi nd yourself in need of time from your
              rodding hobby time to is completely up to you.    friends about as much as you are giving your time
              Spend it wisely.                                to friends.  This is two sides of the same rusty
                 Perhaps the biggest consideration here might   coin; you can be helped and the helper.  Special
              be how to get the most out of your time.  How   circumstances will come up, though.
              to use the time you have left can be a challenge.    I’ve seen more than one car club complete
              Your family should get the most, and your career   a team build.  This usually is at one of the club
              should get the time it takes to pay for your    member’s garage and will often be in the winter
              life.  This leaves you with only so many hours   off-season up here in Minnesota.  The fi nished
              a week left for you and your projects.  Guard   vehicle is sold at one of their shows usually near
              your ‘you’ time carefully.  It will be devoured by   the end of the season with the funds going back
              modern technological delights all
              too quickly.  The time you spend on
              your technology, from social media to   Deciding your priorities are
              your favorite streaming video service,   important.  Some of the best advice
              can eat away the hours you need
              under your rusty hood.  Yes, staying   I have ever received was aimed at
              in touch with those near and far is   fi nishing something fi rst before
              a good thing as well as catching up   starting something else.
              on your favorite show, however, what
              will make you sleep better at night:
              fi nishing rewiring your ignition or
              having a few less episodes left to watch of your   to the club for the next club car build.  I guess
              favorite show?                                  putting in time on something like this is part
                 Deciding your priorities are important.  Some   of the responsibility of the club members, and
              of the best advice I have ever received was     you should be comfortable with this or cancel
              aimed at fi nishing something fi rst before starting   your membership.
              something else.  A pole shed fi lled with half-     A family project is a little closer to my style
              fi nished, half-forgotten projects will only make   and is something all rodders should aspire to.
              you feel more overwhelmed.  Also, you have the   What better way is there to ensure something
              right to be selfi sh with your time.  Helping others   you built will be enjoyed by your loved ones after
              is worthwhile but not at the expense of fi nishing   you are gone than to build it with them?  These
              your own stuff.  The idea of fi nishability should   family connections can be hard to cultivate, so
              also be touched on.  If you are working hour after   start young.  Out of my four children, some love to
              hour, week after week, month after month and    help out while others tolerate it.  I have done my
              not seeing progress (or maybe it is the loved ones   job well if I’ve exposed them to the hobby and let
              around you pointing this out) then maybe this   them make their own decisions as they age.

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     75

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