Page 76 - Issue 37
P. 76
from Pastor David
e have all had people show up letters scratched into it with chalk. was about to leave and as a parting
in our lives who have ROY- “Mat 6:19 “Do not lay up for yourselves gesture handed Dick a little Bible. It
ALLY messed us up. There treasures on earth, where moth and was one of those “Rest of the story”
Wwe were walking through rust destroy and where thieves break in moments. Dick read the Bible and his
life with everything mostly fi gured and steal; . . .” life changed. Fast Forward to present
out, drawing breath, working, paying Wha…? Then I noticed a few Bibles - Dick has been a Gideon since then
the bills and then a person randomly laying in a window tray there for the and has given away tens of thousands
appears. As a result of meeting them taking. There was nothing loud or of Bibles in the ministry he does in his
our life direction drastically changes. pushy or for sure nothing condemn- old cars and trucks.
We might think at fi rst that these folks ing. The whole layout brought a smile So why am I telling you this story?
are really extraordinary people. But inside me that started to leak out to As you read this, I hope that you are
on closer inspection we often see that a big grin even though I was standing remembering people who laid down
they are ordinary men and women who there alone. gold at your footsteps. They loved on
were merely willing to be sent. By the At fi rst I didn’t see anyone who might you for no apparent reason. They only
way, when I use the word “royally”, I belong to this beauty but then there gave, had no expectations or demand-
mean someone that is heaven sent to he was under a shade tree half asleep ed no transaction. They were simply
help introduce us to The Kingdom. Or in an ancient folding chair. I sat down available. There was something about
another way to say it would be, God next to him and he welcomed me like them that was “the way, the truth, and
almighty directed time and space to a long lost brother. He listened to my the life” and it was clear enough that
align another one of His children with stories and told me his. He didn’t know you took notice. The entire event may
you to offer a life changing event or me but he loved me like Jesus would have only lasted a few minutes but yet
relationship. That has to take your air. no matter my warts or shortcomings. you remember it like it was seconds
It sure does mine. He freely gave me his time. He has ago. Seriously, memories such as these
I have had several of these meetings since encouraged me, taken my calls seem to be void of time. Agreed?
or encounters. To mention a very few, (even when it was suppertime), shared Here it comes. Do you realize YOU . . .
there are my old friends Dan and Gail, the Bibles he had and would give me You are one of these amazing extraor-
my Dentist, my pastor/fi shing buddy the shirt off his back. He has made dinary people to someone? Do you
and then there is my friend, mentor himself available to me because we understand God uses us for the same
and hero Dick Duston. (Check out are family. We have been the best of way? We really are His hands and
Rick Loxton’s article in the beginning friends ever since. feet. He doesn’t push you but He does
of this issue) Now don’t go thinking I am putting provide the opportunity. He does not
One fi ne June morning back in 2004, him up on a pedestal. That is the last control the situation but gives you the
I set out for the Back to the 50’s Car thing he would want. He is one of the choice to be His coworker. He will use
Show. I had actually asked God to most humble people I know. What anything in heaven or earth to show
give me an encounter of the sort only does make him stand out is his loving you how much He loves you. Yes… He
He could pull off. I had not been into passion for who lives in him. You have sent His Son.
the acres and acres of chrome and to understand, Dick was not always I keep saying this ole world needs
paint for more than an hour when I like the way he is now. Not by a long hope. He wants to work with you to
stumbled upon an old rusty Ford pick- shot. There was a time when he would make that happen.
up with an even rustier 1941 Harley in not have given you the time of day. Keep them cards and letters coming.
the back. The truck was crammed full “But God.” His life changed in the
of discarded rusty stuff which looked early 70’s when one day a salesman
to be about as neglected as it could showed up in his shop selling electri- “God loves you so much
be. There in the pile was a crumpled cal connectors. Dick told the man he He cannot keep His eyes
up piece of iron with barely legible didn’t need anything. The salesman off of you.”
76 Word.indd 76 4/19/16 10:39 AM