Page 17 - Issue 50
P. 17

cOrey rIngO

               When we hit the market in 2010 most automotive magazines were   imagery that many times filled several pages. It was – and
               ad-riddled, text-heavy “old-fashioned” magazines that   still is – a part of who we are and how we like to present our
               read – and looked – much like a newspaper. Most maga -  features. We have been blessed to be able to showcase so
               zines at the time used smaller imagery and didn’t do any-  many wonderful photographers. Over the years we have
               thing too artsy. (yes, there are some exceptions… but gen-  seen some downright spectacular photographs, and as
               erally speaking the automotive magazine market was very   a part of our 50th celebration we’d like to revisit some of
               stale.) We opted for a different path, using large, vibrant   those shots with you. Here are some of our favorites.

                                                                                 Other than simple photographer credits,
                                                                                   we’re going to let these spectacular
                                                                                 images speak for themselves. Hat’s off to
                                                                                   50 issues of amazing photographers!

               cHad truss

                                                                                       ratrOdMagazIne.cOM  Rat Rod Magazine     17

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