Page 26 - Issue 50
P. 26
Tinman Kustoms
we all enjoy & love, the magazine
Tinman’s Tribute to Time, Technology & Thaemert will survive the test of time and be
relevant 70 years down the road
(ha-ha no pun intended).
Technology & Time’s infl uence
on Tooling: As many of you know,
a lot of what I do and discuss
WOw! 50 issues of the best magazine ever printed. Throughout those issues we revolves around using cost effective
have had hundreds of features and welcomed countless individuals to the Rat Rod tools- without tools none of us can
family. One thing that may have been over-looked, however, is how technology and build our rats. One HUGE change
time have co-mingled to build what Rat Rod Magazine has become. Technology in
the hundreds of thousands of followers on social media & advancements in print
and social formats; and Time in the 8+ years the magazine has been in the faithful
hands of the rat rod brethren. This issue #50 is cheers to all of you!
With rat rods & hotrods, time
seems to stand still, does it not?
Backyard Joe’s reviving history with
recreations of the vehicles that were
once drooled upon as “leading edge
technology” or “mechanical marvels”;
even if these are archaic in nature,
compared to today’s technological
standards. While not in the way of acceptance of rat rods. Whether that TECHNOLOGY
mechanical advancements, but rather be the minds and people behind The magazine world has been
the advancement in rat rod culture the scenes of Rat Rod magazine, or rapidly changing for many years. So
& media, It seems sort of fi tting that the backyard guy or gal just trying how is technology playing a part?
technology has again paved the way to get away from his Huge changes have come in social
for the revival of 30’s, wife (or husband) for Infrastructure in media (Facebook,
40’s & 50’s vehicles. a few hours with some YouTube, online articles, etc.). 10
I give most of creative therapy. Cheers years ago, the internet wasn’t quite as
this credit to the to the spouses that put vast as it is now, so print form media
community of strong, up with all of the long ruled the industry. Now, with a strong
likeminded & creative nights and frustrations change towards internet focused
individuals that have that may come as a result content, it has made print magazine
paved the way for of following our creative life harder to sustain. However,
the sociological dreams. hopefully, like the vintage old cars
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