Page 27 - Issue 50
P. 27

we all enjoy & love, the magazine
 Tinman’s Tribute to Time, Technology & Thaemert  will survive the test of time and be
              relevant 70 years down the road
              (ha-ha no pun intended).
                Technology & Time’s infl uence
              on Tooling: As many of you know,
              a lot of what I do and discuss
 WOw! 50 issues of the best magazine ever printed. Throughout those issues we   revolves around using cost effective
 have had hundreds of features and welcomed countless individuals to the Rat Rod   tools- without tools none of us can
 family. One thing that may have been over-looked, however, is how technology and   build our rats. One HUGE change
 time have co-mingled to build what Rat Rod Magazine has become.  Technology in
 the hundreds of thousands of followers on social media & advancements in print
 and social formats; and Time in the 8+ years the magazine has been in the faithful
 hands of the rat rod brethren. This issue #50 is cheers to all of you!

                                                 in the tool market, since the start   Bringing it all together
                                                 of Rat Rod Magazine, is technology   with a short story
                                                 in cordless tools. Technology has   Story time! I remember back in late
                                                 driven costs down to make the tools   2010 (coincidentally the same year
                                                 more affordable for everyone, even   the magazine started), I actually
                                                 us blue collar guys. Milwaukee M18   started to build my very fi rst rat rod.
                                                 power tools have seriously changed   Back then, my parents literally told
                                                 the way I work on vehicles over    me they would kick me out if I built
                                                 the last few years and I wanted to   a “trailer trash rat rod truck”. Rat
                                                 make sure that’s something that I   rods were largely frowned upon at
                                                 highlighted in this little write-up;   shows (and still are in some states),
                                                 because this technology saves      but I really didn’t care what anyone
                                                 me time and is something that      else thought. When that truck was
                                                 infl uences what I build. The most   fi nished, I had more fun driving
                                                 amazing technological advancement   and bringing that out than I ever
 TECHNOLOGY                                      in cordless tools, since the start   had with anything else. That’s what

 The magazine world has been                     of the magazine, has been in the   started it all. I worked and networked
 rapidly changing for many years. So             Lithium Ion battery. The fi rst time   my way into Steve Thaemert’s
 how is technology playing a part?               I ever picked up a lithium Ion drill   inbox and eventually got that c10
 Huge changes have come in social                battery, I thought it was a factory   featured (issue #23). That’s where
 Infrastructure in media (Facebook,              mistake and they sent an empty     the relationship started with Rat Rod
 YouTube, online articles, etc.). 10             battery case. The amount of        Magazine & Thaemert (little did the
 years ago, the internet wasn’t quite as         energy in a small/light package is   guys inside know, I would become
 vast as it is now, so print form media          something that is attributed to huge   an annoying little bee constantly
 ruled the industry. Now, with a strong          advancements in technology, and    buzzing around their heads.)
 change towards internet focused                 something that will only get better   A couple years later (when I was
 content, it has made print magazine             and better over time. So, cheers   in college) I reached out to Steve
 life harder to sustain. However,                to those who produce these tools   regarding a marketing project I was
 hopefully, like the vintage old cars            which make our lives easier.       working on. Rat Rod Magazine was

                                                                                      RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     27

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