Page 46 - Issue 50
P. 46

                                                                               OWNER: DIEDEL KOOS
                                                                               PHOTOGRAPHY: RONALD VETH

                                                                               COE’s are all the rage now, but Diedel
                                                                               was bitten by the bug way back in 1994.
                                                                               He started the project in 2000, before
                                                                               it was so easy to do things over the
                                                                               Internet, so imagine how tough it was
              WHERE TO FIND IT:                                                to acquire or even fi nd a vehicle to start
              COVER, ISSUE #32                                                 with. There’s a lot going for this truck,
              OWNER: STEFFEN                                                   including big-block Chevy power, air ride,
                                                                               and a scratch-built wooden bed.
              NIELSEN                                                          and a scratch-built wooden bed.
              PHOTOGRAPHY: JAN
              This was our fi rst
              international cover.                                                              Rat Rod South Africa visits
              Steffen's creation                                                                the 2016 Rat Rod Build-Off
                                                                                                BY JESSICA CONRADIE
              was built for one                                                                  fter months of planning,
                                                                                                 Ratrod South Africa braved
                                                                                                 a 16-hour flight to one of the
              purpose: to cover                                                                 Abiggest events on the Rat Rod
                                                                                                Calendar – Rat Rod build-off 2016. A
                                                                                                trip over two continents is nothing
              straight spans of   WHERE TO FIND IT: ISSUES #28 AND #41                         immerse yourself in the family who
                                                                                                if your passion and drive is to totally
                                                                                               wholeheartedly embrace the sweet
                                                                                               sounds of V8 engines and rust. After
              asphalt - rapidly.                                                               months of planning, Ratrod South
                                                                                               Africa braved a 16-hour flight to one
                                        FRIKKIE, JESSICA, AND GLEN
                                                                                               of the biggest events on the Rat Rod
              Beneath that rough   OWNERS: FRIKKIE, JESSICA, AND GLEN                          if your passion and drive is to totally
                                                                                               Calendar – Rat Rod build-off 2016. A
                                                                                               trip over two continents is nothing
              exterior is a dead-  PHOTOGRAPHY: JESSICA CONRADIE    48     RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY-THREE  immerse yourself in the family who
                                                                                               wholeheartedly embrace the sweet
                                                                                               sounds of V8 engines and rust.
              serious racecar. The                                                                RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     49
              chassis is built to   You’ll fi nd their pictures in the issues noted above, but their heart and soul are present in every
              match the spec of   issue. Frikkie and his daughter Jessica, as well as best friend Glen are from South Africa, doing
              a 6-second car. Let   the rat rod thing (and doing it well) on the other side of the planet. Frikkie and Glen came along
              THAT sink in for    for the 2014 Rat Rod Tour, while Frikkie and Jessica did the same in 2016. These guys are family,
              a moment. Cool,     and you will not fi nd nicer people or better ambassadors for the culture anywhere.
              fast, and safe. Nice
              fast, and safe. Nice
                                                                               WHERE TO FIND IT
                                                                               WHERE TO FIND IT: ISSUE :
                                                                               OWNER: NICLAS
                                                                               PHOTOGRAPHY: JAN
                                                                               ‘We come from the land of the ice and
                                                                               snow, from the midnight sun where
                                                                               the hot springs fl ow,” or so sings Led
                                                                               Zeppelin in ‘The Immigrant Song’.
                                                                               Niclas’s 1929/1930 Ford is an automotive
                                                                                reincarnation of a Viking warrior. It’s a
                                                                                no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners ride.
                                                                                The fact that Denmark has some of the
                                                                                world’s harshest automotive regulations
                                                                                and taxes is a true testament to Niclas’s
                                                                                 dedication to the rat rod culture.
              46     RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE FIFTY
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