Page 47 - Issue 50
P. 47

Ray Dolph was actually working on a Chevy  Nova project when he came across a
                                                1948 Ford F47 truck body, half buried in  the mud. The owner of the truck said...
                                                                                             “if you can
                                                                                             “if you can
                                                                                             “if you can
                                                                                             “if you can
                                                                                               dig it out,
                                                                                               dig it out,
                                                                                               dig it out,
                                                                                               dig it out,
               WHERE TO FIND IT: ISSUE #21
                                                                                                 you can
                                                                                                 you can
                                                                                                 you can
               OWNER: JASON KILBOURNE                                                            you can
                                                                                                 have it.
                                                                                                 have it.
                                                                                                 have it.
                                                                                                 have it.” ” ” ”
 WHERE TO FIND IT: COVER, ISSUE #9   Jason wanted to build a ‘61
               Chevy lowrider, but it wouldn’t
               Chevy lowrider, but it wouldn’t
 OWNER: DIEDEL KOOS   fi t in his garage.  Lucky for us,
               fi t in his garage.  Lucky for us,
               otherwise the world would be
 PHOTOGRAPHY: RONALD VETH  otherwise the world would be
               less one screamin’ rat rod. A
               real-life blacksmith, Jason put
 COE’s are all the rage now, but Diedel   real-life blacksmith, Jason put
               many of his skills to use in the
 was bitten by the bug way back in 1994.   many of his skills to use in the
               construction of this ‘38 Dodge.
 He started the project in 2000, before   construction of this ‘38 Dodge.
               With almost 400 horsepower
 it was so easy to do things over the   With almost 400 horsepower
 Internet, so imagine how tough it was   routed through a proper
 to acquire or even fi nd a vehicle to start   manual gearbox, each of the   74     Rat Rod Magazine issue twenty-three  Owned by Ray “MOuse” dOlph  •  phOtOs & wORds by Chad tRuss
               50,000-plus miles he’s put on
 with. There’s a lot going for this truck,   50,000-plus miles he’s put on
 including big-block Chevy power, air ride,   it must’ve been a real hoot.                        Rat Rod Magazine     75
 and a scratch-built wooden bed.
                                                                                                  WHERE TO FIND IT:
                                                                                                  ISSUE #12, #23
                                                                                                  OWNER: PATRICK
                                                                                                  WILSON, KEVIN
                                                                                                  STIEH, RAY
                 Distorted                                                                        BOUCHER, RAY
                                                                                                  “MOUSE” DOLPH
                     Vision                                                                       PHOTOGRAPHY: CHAD
                                                                          WHERE TO FIND IT: ISSUE #17: ISSUE #17
                     w whether your ride is one or 396 horsepower, hether your ride is one or 396 horsepower,   WHERE TO FIND IT  TRUSS
                     you’ll have Jason Kilbourne’s full attention
                     you’ll have Jason Kilbourne’s full attention
                                                                           OWNER: JOHNNY RABBÆK
                   o owned by Jason Kilbourne    |    Photos by                                 |    written by ricK loxtonwned by Jason Kilbourne    |    Photos by                                 |    written by ricK loxton  We made one small
                                                                           PHOTOGRAPHY:           exception to our
                                                                           PHOTOGRAPHY:  JAN
                4 4     Rat Rod Magazine issue twenty-one     Rat Rod Magazine issue twenty-one  Rat Rod Magazine  Rat Rod Magazine     5
                                                                           LAUGESEN               Top 10… and added
                                                                                                  an eleventh spot.
                                                                           Thanks to Jan for hanks to Jan for   The Thunder Bay
                                                                           bringing us these
                                                                           bringing us these      Canadians were
                                                                            Danish delights!
                                                                            Danish delights!      just featured in our
                                                                            Johnny’s ‘29 Ford
                                                                            Johnny’s ‘29 Ford     last issue’s “budget
                                                                            went from drawing     built & driven hard”
                                                                            went from drawing
                                                                            board to runner in a   segment, but we
                                                                            board to runner in a
                                                                            scant six weeks. A big-
                                                                            scant six weeks. A big-  still wanted to give
                                                                            block Chevy punched   them a nod here as
                                                                             out to 468 cubic     well… both the “OH
                                                                             inches shoves all 525   Canada” feature in
                                                                             horsepower through   issue #12 with three
                                                                             a set of 4.88 gears.   vehicles/owners, and
                                                                             This rat can get up   the “mouse” feature
                                                                             and boogie with the   in issue #23 are
                                                                             best of them.        defi nitely worthy of
                                                                                                  this list.
               WHERE TO FIND IT
               WHERE TO FIND IT: ISSUE #33 : ISSUE #33   John and his son James are no strangers to building cool stuff, and this ‘31 e no strangers to building cool stuff, and this ‘31
                                             John and his son James ar
               OWNER: JOHN ATKINSON          Ford is no exception. Rat rods are a unique sight in the U.K., but this one
                                             would stand out on this side of the pond, as well, as not many builders run
               PHOTOGRAPHY: KRIS SHAW AND    Studebaker 232-inch V8’s for a powerplant. The guys deliberately left the roof
               EDDIE PRATT                   at its original height to stand out from the chopped-top crowd.
                                                                                      RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     47
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