Page 57 - Issue 50
P. 57
From Memory Lane To
Infinity And Beyond
were basing Rat Rod Magazine on popularity by
amazing. At fi rst, it was emails from all over the USA, were basing Rat Rod Magazine on popularity by
and then became emails from several other countries mag sales, you would miss it by a mile. There are
as well. Those emails later turned into phone calls. thousands who never go to a car show or buy a
I have spent countless hours answering both email magazine and yet are die hard Rat Rod fans like
and phone calls from all over the world. The Rat Rod you can’t believe. As for Rat Rod Magazine it is a
family spans way further than you would ever imagine. family, through all the ups and downs, thick and
It also let me know that the presence of Rat thins, and coming and goings, one thing always
Rod Magazine would blow your mind. The most remains the same. We all have a common goal
unusual phone calls to me didn’t come from to put out the best product possible. Steve has
subscription readers or even those that grab a driven this train to excellence issue after issue.
copy from the newsstand. For this special eddition, (the 50th,) I would
They came from fans who spend hours sitting like to refl ect on my journey with Rat Rod
in a Barnes and Noble or Books a Million stores Magazine from the builds, to the podcast, to the
reading the latest issue. When they see something vlogcast and beyond. Pictured will be some of the
they like they take pictures with their phones and builds I have done for Rat Rod. Also inspired by
log it on their computers. Wow, just Wow. If you Steve was what has become my Tommy’s Tips.
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