Page 71 - Issue 50
P. 71

There is no doubt that the two Innovator Awards are oubt
                                                                 There is no d
                                                                 our greatest accomplishment as far as awards go. These
                                                                 our greatest accomplishment as far as awards go. These
                                                                  things aren’t just handed out, they truly have to be
                                                                  things aren’t just handed out, they truly have to be
                                                                  earned – and in a vicious dog-eat-dog automotive
                                                                  earned – and in a vicious dog-eat-dog automotive
                                                                   magazine market, to be able to do something
                                                                   different and succeed is awesomely satisfying.
                                                                      Receiving the fi rst Innovator was downright
                                                                    amazing. Receiving the second? I can hardly
                                       describe it. Kno
                                       describe it. Knowing that you’ve just done something no one on earth has ever done wing that you’ve just done something no one on earth has ever done
                                       describe it. Knowing that you’ve just done something no one on earth has ever done
                                       before – that’s both an exhilarating and humbling experience at the same time.
                                       before – that’s both an exhilarating and humbling experience at the same time.

                                                        I may have been the spokesperson for most of
                                                        these awards, but I’m certainly not taking credit
                                                        for any of it myself. Our team has evolved over the years – but
                   In 2012, our fi rst year              no matter where in the RRM story you look, you’ll fi nd amazing
                 participating in the MMPA              people doing extraordinary things. During the three years pictured
                  Awards, we didn’t have                here we won multiple awards for design, covers, features, our
                  the big group photo and               business practices, and even our events. Long-time contributors
                 really didn’t know what we             like Tommy Ring, Porkstick, Geoff Johnson and more won awards
                 were doing. We received                for their work. Photographers, artists, writers – so many have
                 The Innovator Award and a              contributed and made this magazine what it is today.
                cover design award for issue
                #13… and my personal little                                    Because this award event takes place in
                shout here is to my parents.                                 Minnesota, most of us attending are here
                 If it weren’t for that fateful                              close to our headquarters. There are many
                conversation and partnership                                 deserving contributors who quite simply
                 with my dad, Steve Sr, this                                 couldn’t make it or they would also be
                  magazine wouldn’t even                                     pictured. During our publishing transition in
                  exist. If it weren’t for the                               2016 we had to back out of the MMPA, or
               diplomacy and support of my                                   there would be many more of these awards
                mom, Kim, and her ability to                                 – and we hope to get back into this again
                somehow keep us on track,                                    in the future. But don’t discount the work
                the magazine wouldn’t have              of Jerry Ripley and others who have been as much a part of the
                survived it’s fi rst year. These         accolades as the rest of us, they just happen to have worked most of
                two don’t get enough credit             their magic during the years we did not participate in the awards, or
                for those humble beginnings.            just didn’t make it to the ceremony.

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