Page 68 - Issue 50
P. 68

                                               Gary                                                hrow as many superlatives as you
                                                                                                    like at Gary Fisher’s ‘Resurgence’,
                                                                                                    and it’s still not enough. Love it,
                                              Fisher                                             Thate it, it doesn’t really matter. Just
                                                                                                  when you think you’ve seen it all, along
                                                                                                  all rolled into one package, and it’s the
                                                  OREGON                                          comes this. It’s big, beautiful, and brutish
                                                                                                  winner of the car division of the 2015 Rat
                                               CHAMPION                                           Rod & Bike Build Off, making him our first
                                                                                                  repeat winner.
                                                 AND FIRST EVER
                                                 AND FIRST EVER
                                                BACK-TO-BACK WINNER
                                                BACK-TO-BACK WINNER
                                                BACK-TO-BACK WINNER
                                                 WRITTEN BY RICK LOXTON N N
                                                 WRITTEN BY RICK LOXTO
                                                 WRITTEN BY RICK LOXTO
                                               PHOTOS BY JERRY RIPLEY AND ALSO
                                               PHOTOS BY JERRY RIPLEY AND ALSO
                                               PHOTOS BY JERRY RIPLEY AND ALSO
                                                 PROVIDED BY GARY FISHER R
                                                 PROVIDED BY GARY FISHE
              Rat Rod Class Winner:t Rod Class Winner:
              Gary Fisher, Resurrected Rust -
              Oregon 1935 Autocar
                                                                                                                               rat rod Class Winner:
                                                                                                                               Phillip Haley, Missouri
                                                                                                                               1930 Ford Model A
                                                                                                                               1930 Ford Model A
                                                                                                              RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     51
                                                  RAT ROD MAGAZINE
                                                  RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY-FOUR
                                             50     RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY-FOUR
                               Bike Class Award                                                                                                 Phillip Haley  Lebanon, MO
                                Winners                     Justin                 Chris                                                         Year: 1930 Make: Ford Model: Model A Tudor Engine: .030
                                                          Nichols              DeBruler                                                          over 350 Chevy Trans: 700R4 Estimated cost to build: $4700
                                                                                                                                                 What makes it unique? The combination of the eye-catching
                                                                                                                                                 interior and natural finish.
                                                                                    (RATTY SHACK)
                                                          (NICHOLS PAINT & FAB)
                                                          (NICHOLS PAINT & FAB)
                                                                                    INGENUITY AWARD
                                                              OVERALL              WINNER
                                                                             C C C C C C C C C  hris DeBruler and the guys at Ratty Shack Customs   first attempt at building one on
                                                                                hris DeBruler and the guys at Ratty Shack Customs
                                                                                                    first attempt at building one on
                                                                                may have showed up late to the party, but they
                                                                                may have showed up late to the party, but they
                                                                                                    his own. Since time was the most valuable
                                                                                                    his own. Since time was the most valuable
                                                                                soon found out it’s not necessarily where you finish,
                                                                                                    commodity, he leveraged the work already done on
              bike Class                                                     C but how you finish. The night before they were due   twisted hexagonal down tube, which required placing it
                                                                                                    it and built the rest of the bike around it. He made a
                                                                             in Grafton, they found out that their engine wouldn’t fire.
                                                                             in Grafton, they found out that their engine wouldn’t fire.
                                                                             Dejected, Chris made the decision not to come to the
                                                                             Dejected, Chris made the decision not to come to the
              Winner:                                                        build off. The next day, he received word that his presence   in the frame jig. While in the jig, new motor mounts were
                                                                             build off. The next day, he received word that his presence
                                                                                                   made. The rear wheel was a disassembled freebie that
                                                                             was still requested. His spirit renewed, he re-rounded up
                                                                             was still requested. His spirit renewed, he re-rounded up
                                                                             was still requested. His spirit renewed, he re-rounded up
                                                                             was still requested. His spirit renewed, he re-rounded up
                                                                                                   just required lacing, truing, and cleaning. The front was
                                                                             his troops and made the 20-hour drive from Raeford,
              Justin Nichols,                                                his troops and made the 20-hour drive from Raeford,   purchased as an assembled unit that has sat outside for                  “…and here’s your winner! With the perfect combination
                                                                             North Carolina to St. Louis in about 15 hours.
                                                                             North Carolina to St. Louis in about 15 hours.
              Nichols Paint       ustin Nichols is no stranger to the Rat Rod & Raw Bike Build Off. Last   example, he completely scratchbuilt his girder front end.   years and just required soap, water and air.  of style, stance, execution, and attitude, Phillip Haley’s 1930
                                                                              His build is pretty much resourcefulness, defined. For
                                                                              His build is pretty much resourcefulness, defined. For
                                                                                                    The motor that gave them so much trouble is a
                                                                             example, he completely scratchbuilt his girder front end.
                                                                             example, he completely scratchbuilt his girder front end.
                                                                             example, he completely scratchbuilt his girder front end.
              & Fab -             year he brought a bitchin’ ’46 Ford coupe out to the Redneck Rumble   But he did so without the aid of a lathe in his shop, and   mild cylinder bore, new seals, and a ported and polished   Model A was the choice of the combined popular and staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                           votes. For less than $5000, Phillip took a body that was
                                                                                                   Honda 1980 CB750 that is basically stock, save for a
                                                                             But he did so without the aid of a lathe in his shop, and
                                                                             there were over forty hand-machined pieces. That meant
              Missouri         Jchosen for the bike portion of the build off this year, he knew he had   there were over forty hand-machined pieces. That meant   head. The stock trans has been augmented with a   scattered across a Kansas salvage yard, added hard work,
                                                                             there were over forty hand-machined pieces. That meant
                                  in Lebanon, Tennessee as part of the 2014 rat rod class. After being
                                                                             that he had to rely on the kindness of friends, spending
                                                                                                                                                                                                           some horse trading, and a keen eye and produced a creation
                                                                             that he had to rely on the kindness of friends, spending
                                                                             that he had to rely on the kindness of friends, spending
              1999              to ramp things up. And that he did. This radically customized ’99 Yamaha   over seventeen hours in travel time alone. It’s just doing   handmade hand shifter and suicide clutch. Much like   that stood owut amongst 26 other deserving vehicles.
                                                                             what you have to do.
                                                                                                   everything else, the pipes, sissy bar, chain tensioner and
                                650 was the winner in the bike category.
              Yamaha 650         The engine, trans, and cradle are            The frame was a stalled project that was actually his   from scrap metal by Chris.                                             Phillip assembled the car entirely by himself, and rebuilt
                                                                                                   every cool part you can find on this thing was made
                                                                                                                                                                                                           “The car was entirely built by me. All 487 rivets, every weld,
                               essentially stock, but as one can see, the rest                                                                                                                             both the 350 Chevy motor and 700R4 trans. Phillip says,
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner                        about the bike he created for last year’s competition:
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner
                                                       Jeremiah     Gardner
                               of the bike is a hand-fabbed masterpiece.
                               The tanks, fender, and bags were all                                                                                                                                        every drop of paint, and every wire, all me. I did this so that if
                               hammered out by hand and left unfinished,
                               hammered out by hand and left unfinished,                           “Everything was just nasty. The brakes were terrible                                                     something failed I would have no one to blame but myself.”
                               while the forks are repurposed drawbars                                                                                                                                       Phillip’s scratchbuilt frame is a combination of 2”x3” and 1
                                                                                                   and it just wasn’t ridable. Even though I won, as a
                               from a tractor.                                                                                                                                                              ½” tubing while the floor is 18 gauge steel. It rides along on a
                                                                             (GARDNER ROAD KUSTOMS)  rider I failed.” With that in mind, he started with a ’79
                                Justin and his guys had never built a bike                                                                                                                                  traditional front end and coil overs on a Ford 9-inch out back.
                               that rode on air, but they didn’t let that little                   Yamaha XS650 that was sitting around his shop for the                                                    The most expensive parts of the build were the wheels and tires,
                                                                                ROAD WARRIOR AWARD   better part of a decade. With the frame, used center
                                                                                WINNER            and built with functionality in mind.                                                                      Probably the most striking part of the car is the interior.
                               fact get in the way. It wasn’t easy, but they                      cradle and built from there. Everything was designed                                                      and the three deuce intake and carbs.
                               found a way to get it done. The signature
                               pieces, however are the huge, towering twin                         One of his biggest challenges was establishing the                                                       The acres of orange paint and well-sorted International truck
                                                                             2                    got. The first time he dropped it off the table, the bike                                                 outside. What a car! Lean, clean, and mean!” – Rick Loxton
                               exhausts in the rear that come to life when                                                                                                                                  dash stand out from the Mother Nature-applied finish on the
                               they morph into flamethrowers. One of the       014 Build-Off Champ Jeremiah Gardner and his   ride height. He was aiming for low, and low is what he
                               bags contains an extra fuel cell and solenoid
                               bags contains an extra fuel cell and solenoid   crew at Gardner Road Kustoms gave it everything   stood up without the aid of a kickstand. He obviously
                               for igniting the charge when it’s showtime.     they had with their modern interpretation of an   fixed that and the bike runs and handles flawlessly,
                               Justin says that they’re good for 20 feet, but   2 early 1900’s board track/salt flat racer, in a more                                                                       “Simple, sexy. Love it.” – Editor Steve
                               Justin says that they’re good for 20 feet, but
                                                                             than respectable bid to defend the title.  as evidenced by the silver and blue flash that was
                                                                             than respectable bid to defend the title.
                               he’s going to drill out the nozzles because “It                    screaming up and down the main drag of Grafton that
                               he’s going to drill out the nozzles because “It
                               needs more fuel.”                             Jeremiah did a complete 180° from last year’s ratty,                                                                           “I love the traditional styling of this car, it’s beautiful from
                                                                             Jeremiah did a complete 180° from last year’s ratty,
                                                                                                                                                                                 JERRY RIPLEY
                                                                            steampunk-ish look to something cleaner, lighter, and   weekend. A painter by trade, he rattle-canned the                       every angle.” – Jeremy Amendola
                                                                            steampunk-ish look to something cleaner, lighter, and
                                                                            steampunk-ish look to something cleaner, lighter, and
                                                                                                  finish on this year’s entry just to prove that you don’t
                                                                            more rideable. He offered up this candid evaluation
                            58     RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY-FOUR
                                                                                                  need a $10,000 paint job to have a cool bike.                                                                        RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     7
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                                                                                                                                   6     RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE FORTY
              68     RAT ROD MAGAZINE ISSUE FIFTY
          66x69 build offs revisited.indd   68                                                                 6/22/18   12:55 PM
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