Page 71 - Issue 42
P. 71

Never Say Die

            It’s not often                      overnight drives I’d squeeze through   Of Days), Mike Langford. The
            It’s not often a platinum selling
            band with a #1 song in the US       a small window to the front of the   band began recording an EP that
            announces they’re going on hiatus,   bus and stay up writing, singing, and   evolved into an album. With the
            but that was the case when My       occasionally wedging my laptop on   addition of Mike’s long time tour
            Darkest Days singer Matt Walst      the dashboard to record.”          mate, Dane Hartsell (guitar/vocals),
            was given the opportunity to front     Over the next year, Never Say   what started as a dream, Never Say
            Canadian hard rock legends, Three   Die remained a studio project      Die has quickly become a reality.
            Days Grace.                         of Reid and My Darkest Days           With their debut album set
               “Never Say Die started in the    bandmate, Brendan McMillan (Bass).  for release early 2017 and plans
            front passenger seat of the My         In early 2016, Reid’s demos     to tour Canada/US, it’s apparent
            Darkest Days BandWagon... we had    caught the interest of Producer/   Never Say Die has positioned
            a relentless tour schedule,” says Reid   Engineer (Evans Blue, Parabelle,   themselves to continue where My
            Henry (Lead Vocals/Guitar). “During   Scarlet White) and drummer (Age   Darkest Days left off.

            Album review: Destroy + Rebuild

            I listened to this album from beginning to end without walking away – which doesn’t happen often. Very
            melodic, well-written and well-produced throughout and yes – if you like My Darkest Days, you’re going to
            LOVE this. Destroy + Rebuild will have a permanent place in my playlist.

                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     71

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