Page 59 - Issue 38
P. 59

understand the “Rat-Rod” way. At that age I   hands can build. No one else has
            would have not been able to afford to build   to understand your happiness        Hey, just wanted to let
            a “show-car”, but I was able to at least build   because a smile cannot be taken off   you know I am a huge
            something. It was challenging and frustrating at   your face when you’re driving your   fan. I watched all your
            times, but with enough persistence the job was   handmade rat rod creation.         videos about your
                                                                                               ratrod build. I would
            fi nished.                                      If you want to learn more about
                                                                                               lust like you to know
               So what is the moral of that little story?   building your own rat rod check   you inspired me to start
            The only thing that matters is the happiness   out my YouTube page for tips,       building my ratrod at
            you fi nd in the end result; no matter what your   inspiration and education:  www.  the age of 17. It is a 1966
            budget, skill level or experience may be. Even       gmc and as you would
            if it is not the nicest ride ever built, you can still                              call it “farm fresh.”
                                                                                              Thank you for inspiring
            call it yours and enjoy it for what it is because
                                                                                               me to do something
            it’s what you wanted. Not only will you fi nd                                       important in my life.
            happiness in what you have built but you will
            never know of the potential impact it may
            make on others. Many of us go to car shows
            and remember one vehicle that has stuck with
            us or inspired us to do something different.
            Since the completion of this build I have had
            numerous individuals thank me for helping to                                         Messages like
            motivate them with their own builds. It is a                                         this make all the
                                                                                                 work & extra effort
            great feeling when you can provide that little                                       worth it!
            bit of spark to another enthusiast.
               The opportunity to inspire others coined
            the beginning of my business and a lifestyle.                                        My nephews
            Tinman 2 Kustoms: “Leading to Inspire,                                               with my current
                                                                                                 handmade rat
            Learning to Educate”. This phrase perfectly                                          rod creation,
            explains the impact that I hope myself &
            explains the impact that I hope myself &                                             accurately named
            others can continue to keep spreading
            others can continue to keep spreading
            through the generations.  Now-
            a-days Igniting the spark in
            others is often overshadowed
            by the “business world” of the                                               Literally providing some spark for
            automotive sector. At Tinman                                                 enthusiasts: Photo credit to Chad
                                                                                         Truss Photography
            2 Kustoms I am often writing
            articles, publishing videos,
            building radical rides and
            enjoying the car community
            for its vast diversity and the
            opportunities it presents. It
            all started from a dream and a
               Many of us have that passion, but
               Many of us have that passion, but
            have a hard time harnessing it. Get
            off the couch or your favorite porcelain
            off the couch or your favorite porcelain
            reading spot and remember that you
            reading spot and remember that you
            control your happiness and what your
            control your happiness and what your
                                                                                     RATRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     59TRODMAGAZINE.COM  RAT ROD MAGAZINE     59

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