Page 61 - Issue 38
P. 61
In my son Ethan Ring’s and my case, it started
with a total dismount. We knew the frame,
motor, trans, hood and fenders all had to go.
We just hoped that in the process of all of this,
inspiration would hit. Just getting rid of that
god awful bush guard on the front end lifted
my spirits big time! (Sometimes it’s the little
things). Once the bare body was sitting fl at on
the shop fl oor, the juices began to fl ow. We
had a 1930 A Model Sedan sitting beside it,
and began to discuss part of the ugliness was
its bulky size. We measured the A Model out,
and knew right away what the answer was to be. To
measure the same as the A Model, 30” had to come out
of the middle to shorten it, 10” had to come out of the
center of it to narrow it, and 6” had to be chopped to
lower the roof down to an appealing look.
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