Page 63 - Issue 38
P. 63

Ethan started by pulling     were run along the caulk lines to
              measurements from the front and   keep the cutting straight.  They
              back drip rails to determine where   were clamped along the caulk lines.
              the 30” would be best taken from.    These lines were also vertically
              A lot has to do with how you want   marked down the sides to see how
              the back window to look, as the   they would line up.  Jeeps have
              front one doesn’t change.  Another   inset panels that we knew we had
              thing to consider is that you are   to match, with all lines marked,
              going to be lowering the roof by 6”,   and straps in place, it was time to
              so the short stubby back window   start cutting.  A word to the wise
              that looks to tall, will actually be low  is always cut the roof fi rst.  If you
              and sinister looking.  We mocked it   cut the sides fi rst, the top will
              up on paper which I call projecting   vibrate around until it’s hard to
              and have talked about in previous   cut smooth and it’s easier to drill
              issues.  This gave us a great idea   a hole fi rst big enough to get
              of what it would look like when we   your sawsall blade in to when
              got through with it.  The game was   cutting the top.  With all glass
              now on.  A 24” framing square was   and inside panels removed,
              used to run up beside the pillars,   you’re now ready to start.
              along with a 4‘ level.  These marks   Once you have cut one set of
              were transferred onto the drip rail   lines all the way around, sit
              and roof line.  Pieces of fl at steel   that section of body out of the

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